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Among the specimens of surpassing excel–

lence may be mentioned the images of St. Ignac–

ious and St. Francisco Javier, which appear on

the altar front of the chancel; the image of the

Dolorosa of St. Isidro and of other saints which

are found in the altar fronts of the surrounding

chapels. · The gilded retablo of the principal altar


well preserved. There are also important altar

pieces in cedar in the cript of the transept. The

pulpit is a delicate piece of work, entirely paint–

ed and gilded. Today there remains no remnant

of the gold and silver work which


ormerly en–

riched the chests of this temple; neither can there



ound the altar e 0ths and tapestries.

The Churc of the Compañía was pref


by the colonial noni1ity as a burial plaee for their

dead in its cripts and cemeteries. Here were laid

to rest such Bishops as La Raya, Mendoza, Sarre–

colia and others, -as well as Nobles, such as Diego

de E?ilva with his wife Teresa Ordoñez and man



These tombs today are open and desecrat–

ed. The only sepulchre which remains in good

con<:Iition is that of Bishop la Raya, who was

interred in


Upon his slab is a Latin inscrip-
