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Page Background

The ancient University off rs courses in L


ters J urisprudence, Political and Administrative

Sciences, and Natural Science.


t was reorganized

by Dr. Albert A. Giesecke in 1910 and continued

under his direction until 1923. Today Dr. Giesecke

is the Director Gen eral of Public Education in


The Office of the Secretary, Dr. José Gabriel

Cosio, is open from. 3 to 5 in the afternoon and

itere the visitor may obtain all desired informa–

tion, not only concerning the University but all

pertaining to matters of archreological interest in


La Merced.

riihe temple and coru.vent of La Merced are

situated to on

side of Espinar Dark.


The OrdBr of La Merced (the Merey Order)

was one

the first which carne to Peru. Accord–

ing to the author of the "Noticias Cronológicas

del Cuzco", this order was founded by Father.


bastián de Truj iilo.

The building of La Merced-the temple as

well as the convent, dates back


the 17th cent–

ury, sine

e the earth

quake so frequently referred

to herein


the buildings before the mid–

dle of that century.
