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cel may b mentioned two canvasses which hang,

one at each side of the lower choir as one enters

the church.

In addition to their value as works

of art, they are historically authentic. They depict

the marriage of Captain Martín García Oñez de

Loyla, nephew of St. Ignacious,


ounder of the


esuits, with doña Beatrice Cova, daughter of the

Inca Sairi Tupac; also the marriage of don J·uo.H

Enríquez de Borja, Spanish noble,


a de–

scendant of the former. It is necessarv to r·ead


the inscriptions which appear on each canvass,

in order to properly understand the picture. In

the canvass on the left are also likeneses of the

last Incas of the domain of Vilcabamba, the final

refuge o

the un ortunate Manco II and bis de–

seen ants-that is,



T11pac and

elipe Tupac


e anpare 1s typical of the Incas re–

ferred to, as

en a s of the noble Beatrice.

Two copies of Rubens, treating of the


e of

St. Ignacious, are found in the cript of the tran–

sept. Above the communicating door between

this templ e and the adjoining chapel of Lourdes,


a copy of The Descent by Rubens. In the ven–

tanales above the cornice are decorative paint–

ings depicting the life of the patron of the order.

As may be seen from the inscription at the edge

of the canvass in the high choir of the temple,

these paintings w ere executed by the arti sts

Marcos Zapata and Ciprián Gutiérrez.
