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L 1

king'\; private lettm,


thofe grants which pafs the

king'l hand by bill figned. There are four of tbefe

officers, who have their diet al the fecrctary's table.





io SCOts law. Seo

Seon LAW, litle 3.


CbF.RKS, plliccrs io chaocery, oext io degree be–

low the tweh'e mallers, whofe bufinefs is tO iorol

commillioos, pardoos, palentS, \Varraots,




the grcat feal : they were ancieotly e1erici, aod

forfeiled thei r plms if they married. Thefe are alfo

at!oroeys for panies io fuits depeoding in the coun of




Ih( Irea/urJ,

an officer belooging to the coun

of commoo pleas, who has the charge of keepiog the


cords of the coun, makes out all records of



and likewife all exemrlir,catioos of records being in

the Ireafu ry. He has the fees due for all fearches;

and has under him aO'uoder-keeper, who always keeps

one key of the treafury door.






ao oflicer of Ihe commoo pleas,

wbofe bufioefs is 10 eoter all warraots of auoroey for

rl ainlilfs aod defeodaots io fuil; and 10 inroll deeds

of bargain and fale, that are acknowlcdged in court,

or before a judge, His ofliee is likewife to ellreat

into the exehtquer all ilrues, fines, ellreats, aod a–

metcements, whieh grow due to the, erOlVn ,in that


CLERMONT, a cily ¡nd bíOIOp's fee of Franee, io lhe

Icrrilory oC Auvergne, and pro.ince of Ll'onois, abotlt

fevenly.five miles well of Lyons: E, long. 3°


and N.lal. 45° 42'.

CLERODENDR UM, in botany, a genus of lhe di–

dynamia.aogiofpermia e1afs. Thecalix is bdl fh aped,

and divíded into five regmenl'; Ihe luhe of Ihe corolla

Is fi liform; lhe limbus is divid"d iOlo five equal parls;

,he Ilamina al e very loog; ao,} lhe berry cootaios bUl

ooe feed. The fpeeies are tWO, both nati)'cs of the




a fon of divinalioo performed by

throlViog 101s. which were generally blaek and IVhile

beans,liule e10ds ofearlh, or pebbles; alfo dice, or fueh

likeIhings, diílinguifhed by eenain charaélers. They

call Ihe 10ls inlo a veOel, aod having made fupplica–

tion 10 Ihe gods 10 direél Ihem, drew themOut, and,


lOthe charaélers, conjeélured IVhat fhould

happeo to lhem.

CLETHRA, in botany, ageous of lhe deeandria mono–

grnia dafs . The calix is divided into five fegmems ;

,he petals are 6ve; the Iligma ii lrifid; and the eap–

fule has three eells and lhree valves. There il but

on fpecies,


lhe alnifolia. a native of Carolina.



the capital of the dutehyof Cleve,

in lhe cirde of Weflphalia, io Germany,' fitualed near

the wellero fhore 0f Ihe river Rhioe : E. long. 5° 36',

and 51' 40'.


is fu bjeél 10 Iheking of Pruma.

CLEVELAND, a dillriél io the nonh·riding of York

fhire, from whieh Ihe ooble family ofFimoy lakel lhe

tille of duke.

CLIFNT, 'aolOng the Romans, a eitizen who put him·

felf under Ihe proleélion of fome greal man, who, in

refpcél of that rdatioD, IVas eaUed patrOD.

This patron affilled his e1ieo! witn his proteélioo, in–

terefl, and goods; and the e1ieo! gave his Vote for his

patron, when he f"ught aoy oAlce for himfelf or his

friends. Clients owcd refpeél to their patrona, as

thefe owed Ihem their proleélion.

The righ! of palronage was appointed by Romulus,

to unite the rieh aod poor


in fueh a m,oner,

as that one might live wilhout eontempl, and Ihe olber

without envy; bUl lhe coodítion of a e1ien!, in courfe ,

oflime, beeame lillle elfe but a moderate Oavery,

CLIENT is now ufed for a parly io a lawfuit. who has

turned over his caufe into the haods of a counfellor or


CLIFFORTIA, in botany, a genus of the direeia poi


andria e1afs. The ealix of the male eoofills of three

leaves ; il has no corolla; and the Ilamina are abou!

thirty. The ealix of the female eoofifls lilkewife

of three leaves; aod the corolla is wanting; Ihe Ilyli

are IWO ; and lhe eaplule il biloeular, and contaios

one feed. The fpeeies i refour, a11 nalivesof ,f:(hiopia.

CLlMACTERIC, among phyfieians, a crilical year in



life, in which he is fuppofed 10 Iland in

great danger of dealh.

Aeeording 10 fome, every feventh year is a dimaéle–

rie ;


olhers allow only thofe yem produced by

multiplying 7 by the odd number 3, 5, 7, and 9, lO

be clim.é1erica!. T hefe years, lhey fay. bring wilh

them fome remarkable change with reCpeél tOhealth,


fe, or fortuoe; Ihe grand e1imaéleric is ,the fi XlY–

third y.u; but fome, making tlVO, add 10 this the

eighty.firll: the other remarkable clim.é1eries are the

fevenlh, IlVeoty-firll, lbirty fiflh, forty niolh. and

fifly fixth ,

CLIMATE, in geography, a fpaee upon Ihe furfaee of

,he lerrellrial globe, conlained belweeo IWOparalle!s,

and fo far diflanl from eaeh olher, lhat Ihe longell

day in one diffm half ao hour from Ihe longell day in

Ihe other paralle!. See GEOGR AP ll '.

CLIMAX, or GRADATION, in rhelOl i',


¡¡gure where–

in the IVord or expreffioo which eods the fírn membet

of a period begios the feeond, and fo on; fo lbat eve–

ry member \ViII make a d"¡inél fenlence, taking il'

rife from lhe next foregoiog, lill the argumenl aod pe–

riod be beaulifully finifhed; as in Ihe



tion of Dr Tillolfon. "After we have praél&d good

aélions a IVhile, Ihey beeome eafy; and when theyare

eary, we begin lO lake pleafure in them; aod when

they pleafe us, IVe do lh,m frequently; aod by fre–

quency of aéls, a thing gro. :'10 a habi,; aod con–

firmed habil is a fecond k,


nalure; and fo far

as any thing is natural, fo far il is neceOary; and IVe

can hardly do otherwife; nay, IVe do it many times,

wheo we do nOl thiok of it."

CLlNCH, in the fea-Iaoguage, Ihat pan of a cable

which is bended aboul Ihe ring of lhe aDehor, aod

theo feized, or made fall.

CLINCHING, iD the fea-Ianguar.e, a kind of flighl

eaulking ufed al fea, in a profpeé! of fool IVeather, a–

bout Ihe pons: it eonfills in driviog a linleoakumio-

10 lheir feams, to preveD! the waler's coming io al
