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\section{User Interface}

\subsection{Loading the Theme and Theme Options}

\begin{frame}{User Interface}{Loading the Theme and Theme Options}


\begin{block}{The Presentation Theme}

The Feather Theme can be loaded in a familiar way. In the reamble of your

{\tt tex} file you must type\\ \vspace{5pt}

{\tt \textbackslash usetheme[<options>]\{Feather\}}\\ \vspace{5pt}

The presentation theme loads the inner, outer and color Feather theme files

and passes the {\tt <options>} on to these files.


\begin{block}{The Inner and Outher Themes}

If you wish you can load only the inner, or the outher theme directly by\\


{\tt \textbackslash useinnertheme\{Feather\}} (and it has no options)\\


{\tt \textbackslash useoutertheme[<options>]\{Feather\}} (it has one option)\\

\hspace{20pt}{\tt progressstyle=\{fixedCircCnt or movingCircCnt\}} \\


\item which set how the progress is illustrated;

\item the value {\tt movingCircCnt} is the default.




\begin{frame}{User Interface}{Loading the Theme and Theme Options}

\begin{block}{The Color Theme}

Also you can load only the color theme by writing in the preamble of the

{\tt tex} file



\item {\tt \textbackslash usecolortheme\{Feather\}}

