- 2 -
l anguage t o oe wr i tten . It wa s thcrcf ore nec essary t o avoid bo t h
the inadequa t e
tradi tional systems an
d t he ultra - sc i entifie
projec ts which E>.doot d i a cri tica l marks
2.ndnew characters of
sevcral sorts . I t
agr eed that the
pedagog ic a l cons ider a ti ons
af fecting the a cquisition of the art of r ead ing by the Indians,
were mor e important than t hos e of philologic a l s cience as such ,
and a l so th«t
the systcm adop ted shoul d come within the r ange
of the linotype and typewriting equipment
i n current use in thes e
l ands .
The Cor.uni ttee has adoo ted for recommenda tion to the Insti tute
of Soc±ology and to the governments concerned , the fo ll owing
The Sp¿' nish characters shal l be used with their current Spani sh
values wher o t he phonemes are similar , viz: -
a , eh , e ,
i ,
j ,
k , 1, 11 ,
m, n ,
fi ,
o ,
p ,
r , s ,
t ,
y .
2 .
The following Spanish l etters shall be us ed wi th the samc ohone- ·
tic value
, in the Spanish words which have entered into cur rent
use with the Que chua , v i z :-
b ,
e ,
d ,
f ,
g ,
h ,
q ,
v , x , z .
The phonemes represented by the Spanish characters b , d , g ,
shall be u sed in wr i ting t he Quechua dialects of Chinchaysuyo and
Ecuador , where the p , t , k , phonemes have been modified and their
use established over wi de a r eas , as i n the words
tinguiy ( ttink iy) to unite; tanday (tantay) t o gather; chimbay
(chimpay) to cross;
they should a l so continue to be used in p l ace names as in Ausangate ,
S i:l)ambe ,. etc .
The phonetic rule " one character for each phoneme"
i s ac c_epted
by all good usage , and has been adopted by t he Bible Societie s , As
the l etter
is used in the Quechua territory with at l east four
d i sti nct sound va l ues , viz: -
j ,
as in aj ta , for acta ; k , as in cara;
s ,
as in cera; and th ,
as in cielo ( f re quently so pronounc ed , as i n Spain) , and as t here
are other and unequi vocal characters for each of these phonemes , it
was agreed to c,mp l oy the
only in the combinations of ch . The
adoption of th,.6s.f' r u l e makes possib l e the adoption of the forra cch
for the explosive eh , as thus no case can arise of a
preceding a
simpl e ch .
It was foun
d necessary to adopt another character
to represent
the oeculiar ve l
ar-.am:\d phoneme , and follovd.ilg;.the r ecommenda t ion
of the
193 1
mission, it was agreed t o use the q without
following , t hus :-
also for
qat a
saqr a
cobija( cama)
caida de agua
t he prepos iti onal terminations
e l que madura
con la madr e
con l a pd.edra
t e take away
waterfal l
as in : -
the one which ri pens
with mo ther
with the stone
a lso for t hc t or mine. tions which bring this same sound , such as : -
her moso
beauti fu l
ll r>nlrJrr.n
obrer o
,.,or km11n