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Almudena in Madrid, which the Bishop brought

"vhen he carne to preside over the diocese. This is


of the many rernarkable works of colonial

Cuzco, being ·executed by the native sculptor

Juan Tomás. The Chapel of the Alrnudena, as

. \vell as the convent which today serves as the

hospital were constructed by order of the Bishop

l\1olinedo. The convent was served by the Beth–

lehern friars, at the invitation of the above men–

tioned prelate. The licenciado Andrés Molinedo

also paid a part of the expense, and it was his de–

siI e t.bat this housc should serve as a home for

poor and invalid clergy.




The p risl c


nch of Bel !\n


stands on

the plaza of



name, beyond the urban

liinits of u co, as bui[t toward the end of the

s venteenth century under the patronag.e of

Bishop Molinedo, who contributed a large part of

th necessary expense. Prominent in the facade

are figures in relief representing the Wise Men

and the Holy Family.

The building has two belfries of excellent

d sign. The interior of the temple is one of the

most tnteresting of the parishes of Cuzco. In it

are paintings and tablets of great merit, as well

as sorne extremely artistic silver altar hangings.


hangings of the chancel were contributed by



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