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There are remarkable paintings, especially in

the chapter of the chance!, one of the artists who

assisted in the decoration of this church being

· the painter Juan de Alva.

The tablets are also valuable;

that of the

pr incipal a1tar is ornam·ented with mirrors.


choir raHings are especially meritorious.

The Church of St. Peter

This church stands to the west of Santa


liot ca

It was erectetl at the close of the seventeenth

century. The first stone was laid in 1688, the

founder being Andrés de Molinedo. Prior to that



had been the parish church and hospital

of the natives, and had been practically destroyed

by the earthquake.

In the

reconstructions huge stones were

brought from the Inca fort in the Cerro de Pik–

chu fronting Sacsahuaman. The expense of this

great ,construction was largely borne by Andrés

de Molinedo, together with Bishop Manuel de Mo–

linedo y Angulo, its first prelate.

