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S/" "(.'1':.F' \lI fR


T hc


r.urg~n:¡.¡iOI(·' r


in ,he 11\"'lIh



\'"Ic~ ,

On Ihe Calplan





íl<S employ a greal numoer of h:mus, and

emh Ihemin a

~ ind

01' inclofure formed oy huge Ifakes

rcprcfcnling Ihe !cmr


rerea,eJ fel'tra llimes. Thefe

filheries ale open on Ihe fiJe neX I Ihe fea, and clore


Ihe olher; oy \\'hieh means Ihe filh afcending in ilS

feafon up Ihe rí 'er, is tOlbarrafl'ed io Ihefe nan o\V ' 0-

Eular rmem, anu fo is e,fi ly killed \Vilh a harping–

iroo. Slurgeons,


hen frelh, cal delieiouOy; and '"

order tO make them kccp, they are fal ted or pickled

io large pieces, and put up in cags fromIhiny



pounds. But the great ohjt,'! 01 Ihis r:Olery is Ihe roe,

cf whieh Ihe Mufrovi tes are e:memtfy fonu, and of

whieh is


Ihe eavear, or kavia, fo mueh eileemed

by the halians. See


VE.1 R.


\VhalesareehicOyeaught iothe nonh

fea: the largen fon are found about


reenland, or

Spi,zbergen. At the firfl difeovely of this 1!ountry,

",hales nOI being ufed 10 be diUurbed, frequendy carne

inlO Ihe very b,ys, and \Vere aeeordir,gly killed , Imor¡

clofe to the Ihore, fo that Ihe blubbler oeing cut off

\Vas immediately boiled ioto oil on the fpot. The

fuips in thefe times look io nOlhing but Ihe pure oi!



fins, and all the bufinefs


exeeuled in Ihe

eonntry, by \Vhieh means a Ihip eould bring home Ihe

produa of maoy more whales Ihan Ihe cao aeeordiog

10 Ihe prefenl melhed of eoocluaing Ihis trade. The

filhery alfo was theo fo pleoliful, Ih,t Ihey IVere

obliged fomelimes 10 fend olher Olips ro fel eh off Ihe

oil they had made, Ihe quaolily being more than the

filhing Ihips eould bring a\Vay. But time and ehange

of cireumnanees have Olifled Ihe fi luatioo of this

trade, TheIhips eOllJing in fueh nnmbers fromHol/and,

Denmark, Hamburgh, and olher nonhern eounlries,

all iotruders upo Ihe Eoglilh, ",ho IVere Ihe firn dif·

eoverers of Greenl. nd, Ihe whales IVeredinnrbed, and

gradual/y, as olher fiOl oflen do, forfaking Ihe place,

were not lO be killed fo near Ihe Ihore as before; bUI


OOIV found, and have been fo ever finee in Ihe 0-

peoings and fpaee amoog the ice, where they have

deep water, and where Ihey go fomelimes a great ma·

ny leagues fro!]l lhe OlOre.


whale.GOlery begins in May, and eontinues all

Jllne and July


bUI \Vhclher Ihe fhip. have good or

had fueeefs, they mun come aIVay, and


clear of

lhe ice, by Ihet nd of Augun ; fo thal in the monlh

of September at fatlhen, Ihey may be expeaed home;

bUI a Olip IhH meels \Vi:h


fonunate and early


ery in May, may relurn in June or July.

The mannerof laking whales al prefent is as follolVs.

As foon as Ihe fiOlermen hear Ihe whale blow, Ihey

ery out,

FoJl! faJl!

and evcry Olip gm out its long

boal, in


eh of which Ihere are fix or fCI'en men :

Ihey ro\V li I Ihey come preuy oc", lhe IIhale, Ihen

the harpooner f1rikes it wilh his harpoon. This re–


greal dexleri!y ; fer IhrouAh lhe hone of his

hrarllhere i, no f1rikiog, hnl near his fpOIII ,here,is


fofl pieee of flelh, inro which Ihe iron fi nks \Vilh .,fe.

As fuon as he is f1ru ck, ,hey I. le eare




lore cnollgh,

·ifc, \dllll I,e


clown, al he

\'o~ ,


No. 51.






Jocs, be \Vod.1 inerirab:y fink Il.e bo:!:

this rope he ,Irall's \'.'il h fllch ,idence, ,hal, if it were

not \Vcll ll'alcrcd, il 1I'0"ld, .by ils friaioo



fides of.lhe boat, be fooo lct on lire. Theline f.(\e n.

etilO Ihe harpoon is fix or fcren f"hom long, and is

ealled Ihe fore.runner; it i! maJe of ,he fincft and fofl–


hemp, that il may Oip Ihe

C'-fi~r :

to Ihis theyjoin


heap of Jines of


or tOO falhom! eaeh ; and \Vhen

Ihere are nOI enough in one long bOat, Ihey borrolV

fromaoolher, The man al the helm obferns whieh

way Ihe rope


and Oeers Ihe boat aceordingly,

that it may run exaaly OUt before; for Ihe whaleruos

a\Vay wilh Ihe Jine wilh fo mueh rapidily, that he

IVould overfet Ihe bO'I, if it lI'ere not kepl f1reight,

Wheo Ihe IVhale is'llruek, the olher long bom row

before, and obfm'e II'hieh way Ihe line (\, nds, and

fomelimcs pull ir; if Ihey feel il Ililf, it is


fign Ihe

IVhale rtill pulls in f1reng,h; but if il hangs loo!e, and

the boat lies equal/y high before and bchind upon Ihe

wmr, Ihey pnll it in gendy, but take eare 10 coil it

fo, Ihal Ihe \Vhale


have it again eafil y if



eovers nrenglh: Ihey take eare, however, not 10 giv,

him lOOmueil line, beeaufe he fomc'times entaogles it

about a roek, and pulls OUt Ihe harpoon, The fat

\Vhales do not fiok as foon


dead, bUl lhe lean one's

do, and come up fome days arlerwards, As loog as

Ihey fee whales, they lofe no lime in euning up what

they have t,ken, bUI keep filhing for olhers: \Vhen

they fee no more, or have takeo enollgh, they begin

wilh lakiog off Ihe fal and whifkers in Ihe following

manoer. The \Vhale beiog lalhed along.fide, Ihey lay

it on one fide, and put tIVO ropes, ooe


Ihe head,

and the olher in the place of Ihe tail, IVhieh, loge,her

IVi,h Ihe fios, is firuek off as fooo as he is takeo, lO

keep thofe extremities above \Vater. 00 the ofF·fide

of Ihe",hale are two boats, lO recei" e Ihepieees of far,

ulenfils, and meo, thal might olherwire fall inlo Ihe wa–

ter 00 thal fide o There preeautions beiog taken, three

or four meo \Vith iroos at their feet, lOprevenl Oipping,

get 00 the \Vhale, and begin lOeot out pieees of about

three feet Ihiek, and eight long, ",hieh are haoled up

at Ihe capaane or I.indlars. When Ihe fat is all got

off, Ihey eUI off Ihe whifkers of the upper ja", \Vilh

ao ax . Before Ihey cut, they are all blhed 10 keep

them firm, ",hieh alfo faeilil,lIes ,he euning, and pre–

veolS Ihem from f.lling into Ihe fe:!: \Vhen on board,

fi l'e or fix of themare buodleo togelher, and properly

ao\Ved; and arler all is got rlf, the carcafe is lurne.i

a-drirr, and devoured by Ihe


\Vho are very fond

of it. In proportion as Ihe I:trge pieees of fat are cut

off, Ihe rrU or Ihe ereIV are employed in fli cing Ihem

fm. ller, and pieking out


Ihe lean, Whcn Ihis il

prepmd, Ihey Uo", ir under Ihedlek, \lhereit lies


Ihe ra: of alllhe wh:des is on beard; then euning it

n,ll final/er, Ihey pUt il up io tuhs io the hold, tram·

O1iog ,hem very fnll . nd clofe. Nu,hing nolV rem,ins

hUI 10 (.,il hOlllew¡tt(!s, where Ihe f;u is 10 I'e hoilc.1

"nd mellcd down iUIO train





It \Vere in ,'nin 10 fpeak in ,hi, rl,re or Ihe .d'·,ln–

lar,('SIha! may




G'C'I Ilrilain rrom 1:1:

wh,dc·r,lhcry. \Ve


onll' tt'malk, lhat Ihe kgillJ'


6 L
