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simpler than that of the house just described,

Lhere being only one window with two arches

and a column, of particular interest. The interior

gives one the impression of that of a ·Convent.

During the 16th century it was the property of

the conqueror, J erome CasJ.illo, whose son be–

came Marquis of San Juan de Buena Vista, and it

has always been owned by his descendants.

The house of the Cabrera family:

This is now occupied by the Girl's School

of the Salesianas Mothers and is situated


the little park of the Nazarenas. Above the en–

trance is a seal bearing the arms of the founder,

Jerome Luí d

Oab era, nobleman :and dis–


re ident of Cuzco. The interior, as is–

the case with all houses built ·n that epoch, is se-

verely colon1al .


The House of the Cartagena Family.

In the little street called Pum.acurcu which

passes the park of the ·Nazarenas to the North, is


ound ·a striking facade on whose crest appears

a noble· seal with the words "Hail Mary, full of

grace". This was the home of Francisco Cartage–

na Vela y Acuña, a leading resident of Cuzco,

and his descendants.

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