In the upper rooms, especially in the guest
chan1ber, are handsome carved ceilings, di play–
in 0· busts of the noble ovvners of the hou
. It
called the "Admiral' ' beeause in the first half of
the 17th oentury
was owned by Admira! Fran–
cisco Aldrete Maldonado, one of the promincnt
residents of Cuzco; the street bounding his home
w.asalso named for him.
The house was built toW1ard the end of the
17th century and the interior consists of ·a spa–
cious court of honor of simple yet imposing
plan, encircley by galleries forming wide porti–
cos of colonial style; upon each column is a pair
of decorative bust. hen the house was destroy–
ed by t e ear qua e in 1
650 •the property pas–
sed to the
ro P alta de
s fo ay. The
the ceiling
of the i
erior rooms are t ose of .J1e Oount and
his wife, the Countess. Since that period · this
house has
be.enknown also as the House of the
and the li ttle
street which cross,es the
street called Admiral, toward Huainapata, is call–
ed the Street of the Count. The house is a histori–
cal gem. It belongs to the La Torre family.
The house of the Marquises of Buena Vista:
This house stands at the instergection of the
street of Hatunrumiyoc with Herraj e. The
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