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In addition to the temples and monasteries

already described, there are sorne other interest–

ing chap ls scattered


the town of

Cuzco as for instanee, those of the Nazarenas,


minary, San Andrés and Santa Rosa.

Tn the chapel of th Nazarenas are various

pliaintings of apprcciable value, as well as ima–

ges in relief.

The convent of the nuns was founded in the

eighteenth century with the

liberal donations

made b.

Domingo de Torres, who stipulated

that at the same time t ere should be created an

asylum on orphan unaer thrtX care of the Naza–




rst conven was located· in San Blas

Parish, to ar

Ghoquechaca, but in the same

century wa

transferred to it present site.

The chapel of the Seminary, which is to the

South, possesses artistic riches and valuable tab–


contributed by various

hishops. Pa.intings

decorate its walls,

1 a.nd

other works of art are in

the vestry.

T}qe Seminary

is a

valuable specimen of

architecture. The most imposing facade was con–

tributed by Bishop Sarricolea y Olea, whose coat

of arms adorns the entrance arch, at the side of

the seal of Spain.


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