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759 )


til¡t tbe gno.p0lI'uer do not take li,e ere the Olell


al tb. dcltined place; tO prevent which, the fufce i, freo

qucotly wound round Wilh a wet clammy thre¡d.

Thc mortar mouoted on its carriage, and the bomb


let us


our piece in bmery, which battery

mu:\ coofin,- t. Of an e¡r.aulmeot to fhelter the roorta"

'from lhe fire of the eneroy. 2. Of platforms 00 whlch

the manan are placed. 3. Of fmall magazine, of pow,

der. 4. Of a boyao which leads 10 the great magazine.

5. Of ways which lead from the banery 10 the magazlOe

of bombs. 6. Of ¡ great ditch before the epauJmcot.

7. Of a berm or retraite.

The pl¡tforms for mortar, of t2 inches mun have 9

fm 'iDlength, and 6 in breadth.- The lamboords for

commoo monars mun be four iocbes lhick; lhofe of a

concave chamber of 81b. of powder, 5 ioches; Ihofe of

121b. 6 inches


thofe of 181b. 7 inches, or thmabouts.

Thcir length is


difcrction, prJvided


be enough


tire platforms 9 feel long - The fore.pan of lhe

pl.uform will be (¡lualcd at two foot diflance from the

epaulmenlof the baner)'.-Tbe bombardim, to nldler

themfeh'es in Ibeir baner)', aod oot be feen from the

to"'o beGeged, raif.d an ep.ulmeot of 7 fOOl or more

Iligh; which epaollllent has no embrafures.

To fme expeditioully a mortar iDbanery are required,

-Gve nrong handfpilus


a dame or rammer, of lhe ca·

liber of lhe conic chamber, tO ram the wad and the



a wooden koife a foot long, to place the emh

. roaad the bomb; ao iron fcraper tWO (oot loog, ooe end

"hereof mun be 4 inches 'broad and rouodwi(e, 10 cluo

Ihc bore aod the ehamber of the mortar, aod lhe olher

cnd made in form of a fpooo to clean the linle ebam·



a kind of braocard tO carry the


a fhovel, aod

pick ax.

Th. ofíieer who is to mind the ferviee of Ihe mOrtar

mun have a quadranl 10 give Ihe degrees of eJevalion.

Five bombardiers, or othm. are employcd inIbal fer·



the firll moll nke eare to fctdl the powder to

dtarge the chmbcr uf the mortar, putring his priming.

iron iD lhe tooch·hcle befare he charges lhe e"amber


and oever goi og 10 fetCh lh. powder before he hl' aOlCd

his officer al whal qu.nlily of powder he defigns la eharge,

beeaufe more or




waOled, accoreling 10 Ihe

dinanee ",here il is fired; the fame will take eare to ram

lhe wad aod mllt, which anolher foldier Ihall pUl iD lhe


Thal on the right will put again IWO fhovels full of

emh in Ihe bouom of lhe bore, which fhould be likewile

very wdl rammEd down.

This done, the ,ammer o, dame is returned inro its

place, again!! lhe epaulmenl on Ihe right of Ihe mor·

rar : he takes an handfpike in Ihe fame plm



himfelf b"hind Ihe earriar,e Gf Ihe morttl', in order to

help to pulh il inlo battery: having lald down his haod·

fpike, he takes out his primi ng·.,on, and primes Ihe

toueh·hole wilh fi ne powder.

The feeono


on Ihe


and Icfl, will have by

mal time


Ihe LOOlb ""dy lo.ded, tO be plmd

in lh. mOrlar, wh'ch mun be reeeived in the momr


Ihe firll (oldi«, and plmd very (Ira![ in lhe bore ur cha(C

of the moltar,

The 6rn, on the righl, fhall furnifh him ,vith earlh to

pUl round the bomb, whieh he mun lake care 10 ram

clofe Wilb the knife given him by lhe fecood 00 lhe left.

This done, elCh Ih,llI lake ahandfpike, whieh lhe two

firn, on lhe right a d leCl, fhall pUl under the peg' of

retrcal of Ihe fore part, and lhe lWO behind under Ihofe

of the hind·part; aod Ibey lo¡¡elher Olall pulh Ibe mortar

iD bmery.

Aflerwards lhe oflieer Olall poinr or direél the morlar.

Duriog Iha! rime lhe firn foldie r fhall take care 10

prime Ihe toueh hale of lhe manar, wilhout ramniing

the powder; aod tbe lan on the righl, 01all have the

malch ready 10 fel 6re on Ihe fufee of Ihe bornu



right, while the firll fhall be read)' with his on the left,

la fel 6re 10 Ihe toueh·bole of lhe monar


which he o.ught

nOl to do lill he fw the fufce welllighled.

The foremon foldicrs will have lheir haodfplkes ready





uprighl, .as foonas il has dlfcharged ;

wlllle Ihe hlndmoll on lhe left all, with lhe feraper,

clean lhe bore and chamber of Ihe manar,

The magazine of powder for lhe fmiee of Ibe battery

fhall be fitultCd 15 or 20 paces behind, aod comed


boards, aod eanh over il.-The loaded bombs are



fide of lhe faid magazine, al five or fix paces dinaoee.

Tite oflieer wbo eommands the fervice of Ihe monar

mun lake care lO ducover, as much as pollible, with


rye, lhe difiance of Ibe place where he inlends lO lhrow

hís bomb, gi viog tbe mortar Ihe degrees of elevalion ae.

eording 10 lhe judgnl1Ql he has formed of the din;nee.

Having lhrowo the firq bomb, he mun diminiOI or i"ereafe

the degrces of clll'ution, according to the place upon



fh.1I fall. Srveral m. ke u(e of lables to dl(eo.

ver the differenl dinanees according la lhe dil[mnees of

Ihe devatiuns oí the munar, efpccially the


of lbe

quadranl fronl I la 45.


Blondd has wrole a I¡rge Ircatir.


lhat fubjeft,

where he prmnds la give adeDlonflration 10 tbrolV bomus

Wilh grea! exaélnefs.

. They fay lhen, (fJys M Rlondel, fpeaking of uombar.

dlcrs), ¡hat lhe mortar eh.(el more or


, accorJing as

il is Dlore or leCs charged IVllh pOIVdcr;


lhat a mor–

lar, for example, of


inehes caliber, ebdfgeJ in its


Wilh 21u, of pOlYdcr, gives <:very degree'4 8 fcet

ddFcrenee in ,he random, and fur lhe greml! eXllnl un.

dcr lhe elcvation of 45 Jegrccs, 2160 fm.

The,fa me DlOrtar wtll glVe <Ycry


50 foO! ditr...

enee, if il be charged widl


of lhe f'lIle goodnefs, and


foot for lhe gle. ld! random.

. Lanly, it wiJl . give 72 foot difierencc emy clcgrce,


the eharge be of 3lu. uf lhe

pOlVder; and al Ihe

eI.vation of 41


whi,h, rhey f.y, i, lhe grcaren

"ndom, il will lhrow tbe bumu .1 Ih: dil!anee 01 3240



lb;, fOUlldation tbey have nllde the ful/olVine tahles.