San Rafael lo
Santi¿ Row Hailu;ay
(CouePption del Tio).-Tlw plans aud surveys of this line,
105.4 miles long, were approvecl on tilo 7th of Novembcr last.
Snnta Rosa and Oran Haill('ay.-Tlte
snrveys were begun auü the guaranty re•luced
to 5 per ccut., on a kilomete1· cost of 8:37,000 in gold
per mi le).
'1inogasta ancl An<ialg¡lla Railway.-All
tbe plans were approyeJ. The line enjoys a
guaranty for t,wcnty years.
Villa Mercedes and Bioja Bailway.-Tuc
contractwas approve<l íu February. Tbe
total cost of thc linc was
down at :$1:3,8:37,500 golu; the length of the line being
381.3 miles.
ll1u·ri1t an¡l Rufiuo
Rltiltray.-Projecteü from Vilb Maria, ou the Central Argen–
tino Rail way, to Rnfino, ou tbe Bueuos Ay res aull Pacific, a
Yia Villa Nueva
:1lJd Carlota, oí' about 1-!
0.iímiles. Thc concession was obtainetl froru thc Natioual
Government. The \YOrks were begun in July, the line being di vided into two sectious,
viz: From Villa
t.o kilometer 109, aml from there to Rufino. On the 30th of
September tbe earthworks had reacbe1l kilometer :30 and tbe r:tils kilometer S.
Trestern ancl Centml
oj Santa
Fé.-Lines in progress, San Carlos (N. C. Ext.
Co.) to Galoez (B. A.
R. Ry.), :!17 miles; Gessler Colony to Corouclo,
l S.G
Pilas ('.C. Ry.) soutbwest to
honutla.ryof Cordoha, 52.7 miles; Hnmholut (N. C.
northerly 19.6 milts. Tlw lines
bcing lmilt by the proviucial govemment of
Santa Fé,
a.ndit was expecteü tbat tbey woulü he opene<.l üuring tltc latter part of
TVestel'n Raihray oj'
from Buenos Ayres to 9 de Jnlio, 162.4 miles; Ln–
gan via Pergamino to Jnu in, 155.!3 miles; "Merlo to Lobos an<.l Saladi !lo,
miles; La
Plata via Temperley to
47.1 wilcs; La
Pla.tato Ferrari, 24.2 miles; Perga–
mino to San NicbolaR, 45.\J miles; Temperley to Ca,nuel::ts,
miles, anu several
small brauches aggregating
19.timiles, or 57-!.7 miles in al!. There are projectecl :
9 de Jnlio to Los Mellizos, Saladillo to Ah·ear, aecoiHl track 28.5 miles, and other
track 74.4 miles- a granü total of 677.66 miles. The coustruction of tbe road was be–
guu in 1853 by the provincial goYerurnent of Bnenos Ayres. Gauge, 5 feet 5 inches.
Western Railwrty of Sauta
Fé. - Projcctetl to rnn from Rosario toSan José de
quina, 110 miles, aud from Candelaria to .Meliucue, 80 mil3s.
is completed from
Rosario to Candelaria, 40 miles.
The engineer clepartment of tbe Government drew up plans for the following:
Santa Rosa via Majotoro to Salta, Salta to Cabra Corrol, San Juan to· Jachal, Chum–
bicba to Tinogasta ancl Andalgala.
All tbat relates to the Argentiue raílways is under tbe supervision of the depart–
ment of civil engineers, an important aud ably managed n ational bureau which
employs ninty-cight civil engiueers.
There continnes to be
frreat movernent throughout the Argentino Repub1ic in the
of railways. So great are the nnmber of new concessions grauted by the
nat10nal congress and by the clifiercnt pr ovinciallegislatures that I find
impos ible
them al!. Up to the meeting of tlle la-st congress there were national con–
ces 1ons for seventeen different Jine , of which tbirteen enjoy the gnaranty of the
The e gnarantied line representa total length of 7,961 kilometers
(4,91.<> rmles), aud tbe aggregate length of the otber lines, 1,272 kilometers (795 miles),
makmg a total of 5,770 miles. Among 1bem are the followiug, viz: The Chaco and.
Tarta¡r_al Railway, tlle Reconqui ta aml Formosa (Chaco) Railway, the Babia Blanca
aud Villa Mercedes Raüway, tbe San Juan and Salta Railway, the Cbumbicba, Ti–
n?gasta and Andalgala Railway, tbe Goya and Monte Caseros R ailway, the Resisten–
Cia and Metan Railway, the San Cristobal and Tncuman Raílway, etc, A line from
San Juan to Cabra Corral, in Salta, is hei ng surveyed, a al o one from Mendoza to San
a.lRo the line from Cobos to Salta
Lagnuilla, and several others of less
Tbe following roads are in the course of construction, to wit: The extensions ofthe
... T,ohrtber n Central, tbe road now being opened beyond Tucuman as far as Chilcas.
e branches from Dean Furnes to Chilecito, and from Chnmbicba to Catamarca
have the road.-beds completed and tbe track laying has commenced. Beyond Chilcas