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a r d fi eld and eight condors in a field of gold."

ince the end of the 18th century, and from the

first years of the Republic, the seal has possessed

native elements, such as hawks, etc., types such

a.s may be seen in a picture in the 1museum of the


The Cathedral.

The Oathedral was solemnly proj ected by the



Bishop of Peru, Father Vincente Valverde, on

September 4th, 1538, under the name of the Virg–

in of the Asuncion, who has ever since been its

patron saint. It was organized according to the


of the Oathedral oJ' Seville, as appears in

"The Chrono gica Notes of


The first

site assigned for he erection of

this church

seems to have been fronting the present temple

of La Merce , but in 541 the site which it to–

da.y occupies was chosen; this wa.s formerly the

site of the old Inca


of Huiracocha. The

truth is, however, that fhe first stone was placed

in 1560 and the work was begun in that year.

The architect who drew the plans and initiat–

ed the work was Miguel de Veramendi, but he

'vas shortly replaced by Juan Correa. On ac–

count of the lack of funds the work lasted almost

a century, and naturally many architects took

, part in the construction.

In 1654 the building

was finished , at which time Juan Alonzo Ocon
