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Ruins Found Within The City of Cuzco

In order to tudy the principal Inc


"·ithin the inner boundaries of the city w shall

take the Plaza d Armas as the p int.

Ruins Of The Northern Part

OOLCCAMPATA: To the North o.f the his–

torie Plaza, Oolccampata is the most important

of the numerous ruins. These ruins are found at

the foot of Sacsahuaman, upon the plateau where

stands the temple of San Oristoba'l

1 ,

seat of the

parish of the same name; there is a wall upon a

considerable part of "hJch is based the



of the ediflee, and


ragments of interiors

of old dwe[)hílgs.


e faoad is of the greatest

importance, s · possesses great archreological



i a . oun seve· n1cñes or wall open–

ings, ratller shallow a d about two meters high


just sufficiently large .to accommodate one per–

son; eacp niche has a kind of frame carved in

the stones of which


is built; it would appear

that thes.e niches were utilized by watchmen as

they overlooked the surrounding country.

In the interior of the building, which is now

the residence of an Italian merchant, Mr. Lomel–

lini, there is a fragm·ent of an ancient building

which still retains a door and

w1.ndow, the
