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inclined tourist as, for example, in San



tián, the heights of Sappi, etc. Especially interes–

ting is the reservoir of the Incas, called


orne three kilometers from Sacsabuaman.

The archaeologist will find much to fascinate

him in the ruins of CHINCHEROS, t\venty

kjJo ..

·meters from Cuzco. Here are remEün:S •>f Pxcep–

tional interest, walls of the most original style,

entírely distinct from the constructions in Cuz–

co. In the Plaza is a great waj containiug eight

niches, each of a sufficient height to permit a

man to stand upright; in the sidewall of the tem..

ple are types of cut stone. At one side of the set–

tlement are hewn stones, such as are found in

the RODADERO (Inca Slide) with seats, steps,

kenccos, etc., and this site s-erved

for various

evcryday us·



1if. .

ikewiS'e, CHIN–

CHEROS is distinguished by the


act that prao-.

tically its enti e

opulation is


pur·e Indian

bl·ood, and the customs o.f their anoestors were

preserved by them.

The tourist also shyuld 1make the round trip via

Olliantaytambo and Pisacc. Ollantaytambo


reached by the railroad to Santa Ana, the round

trip being


kilometers. The train arrives at

11 in

the morning and remains until one o'clock

in the afternoon, affording sufficient time for a

climb. to the principal ruins which are but a few

blocks from the railw


ay station. Here one

