The House of the Maldonado
The houses of the Conqueror don Diego
Maldonado, known as the "Rich Man" were lo–
cated on the site of the old Inca Palace, H1atucan–
_cha; they overlooked the street of Santa Catalina,
and in the same street was a house belonging to
Francisco H·ernandez Girón.
Streets and Parks.
The nomenclature of the streets of Cuzco is
almost alw1ays formed by Inca words and those
· o
colonial origin. Amo g t)le p
pal ones may
be mentioned the followi g :-It wou d be well to
be.arin mind
at t e k}echu or nea names are
based on events , s well as on the configuration
and topography of the ground, rivers, springs,
promontories of rock, etc. The Incas .
their roads and ·streets by those signs which
symbolized the contours of nature. So there are
names which designate altitude (pata)-COL–
HUNPATA, etc. There are names derived from
lhe configuration of the land-MUNAYSENCA.
Neighborhoods and roads are som·etimes named
for the bridges over the rivulets which flow
through the c'ity-CHOQUECIIACA, CHAKIL-
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