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The House of Almagro


Almagro, also, had no opportunity to build

his home, in Cuzco, as he was killed soon after

h ·

returned from his expedition to Chile.

According to the act of distribution of sites,

made in October,


the site assigned to Al–

magro seems ·to be the one where now stands the

monastery of Santa Teresa.

The House of Silva.

Don Diego Silva was one of the principal

conquerors of Peru. His houses w1ere at the side

of Santa Teresa and are still kno


by bis name


afte·r Si



the plaza in which the

hous·e stands also b ars the same name. Its chief

interest lie si

its Inca door and tpe panelled

ceiling at the entrance to the main court.

House of Loyola.

The house of don Martín de Loyola was in



century knoWtn as the House of



gui. It is ·located in

the Park of Limacpiampa,

previously known as the Park of Alagón, becau–


in it was also located the house of don Pedro

;López de Alagón, one of the prominent residents

of Cuzco.


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