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Much inter,es ting infonn1ation is also con–

tained in a booklet


issued by the Direc–

ción-General de Enseñanza (Lima); this booklet

may be obtained upon application to that office,

or to the principal navigation and railroad com–

pan1es of Peru.

Brief Historical Data.

The archmological history of Cuzco is com–

pris,ed in hvo great epochs: First, the pre-Colum–

bian, or the age prior to the discovery of Amer–

ica by Columbus in 1492; second, the post-Ool–

umbian or colonial, dating from the domination

of Peru by Spain, to the period of Independence






.to y of Gu?CO


the discov·

ery o A1mer ioa is of the greatest inte est, as from

all obtainable-

ata tnis may have been a civil–

ízation deve o"J)ed entirely fr ee 1Jrom the influence

of any other country or


oreign culture. Its his–

t.ory may be divided into two periods-the pre–

Inca rule, and


Inca, which


under the domination of the Incas. This latter

period may in turn be subdivided as follows: the

era during the confederation of the tribes, beginn–


with Manco-Oápac and extending through

the reign of Pachacutec; and the ·era of unifica–

tion and de,velopment of a national spirit, which

is properly known as the Imperial Regime of

the Incas.

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