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lobe, as "hen hclJ by the eoating and Ihe hcok arplicd:

bUI Ihe

dirdiiGII oC

Ihe ek8rieal fi rr, bcing dilTcrent in

Ih. eharg;ng, ",ill airo be d,fFcrenl in Ihe explofion; Ihe

bOllle chal gcd through 11.. hook IVill he dlrehargld Ihro'

Ihe hook ; lite bmde eh, rgcd Ihro' Ihe coaling \ViII be

diCchuged Ihro' Ihe eoaling; becauCe Ihe fire milI! come

out the Carne way it went In,

6. To prol'e this. take IWO bOlrles Ihat IVere eql:ally

charged thro' the hooks, one in each hand; bling Iheir

hooks near e3ch olher, and no Cpark or Ihock IVill follolV;

becaule eaeh hook is dtfp,.(ed togive fire, and neilher to

receive il. Set one of Ihe bOlrles on glaCs, lake il up

by Ihe !took, and apply ils coaling to Ihe hook of Ihe o·

ther; then Ihere will be an explofion and Ihock, and

bOlh bOllles will be dilcharged.

[N D,

To eharge a

bOllle commodioufly thro' Ihe coaling: place it on a

glars fland; form a eommllniealion from Ihe prime con·

duélor to the eoating, and another from Ihe hook 10 the

IVall or floor ; w!ten it is charged, remove theIaller como

municalion before you lake hold of Ihe bOlde, olherwife

greal pan of Ihe fire will cfcape by it.]

Wheo Ihe lerms of




the phial are


il is in eompliance with cuflom, aod for IVan! of

bemr ones; fince there is really no


eleélrical fire in

the phial after what is ealled its


than beCore, nor


after its


Befides, the phi.1IVill not Cuf·

fer what is eafled a


unleCs as mllch fire can go

out of il one way as is thrown in byanother. A phial

eannot be eharged flanding on wax or elaCs, or hanging

on Ihe prime eonduélor, unleCs aeommunication be forol'

ed belween its coaling and the Aoor. But CuCpend two

or more phials On Ihe prime conduélor, one han,ging lO

the tail of the other, and a wire frum Ihe lan tO the


an equal number of tllrns of Ihe wheel ",íll eharge

Ihemall equally, and eaeh as llrongly as a fingle one

would have been.

When a boule ís eharged in the common way, its





furCaees fland ready, the one 10 gil'e fire

by the hook, the other tO reeeive it by the eoating: yel


the firfl will nOt give OUI. IInleCs the other can at the

fame inflanl receive in; fo neilher will Ihe lamr reeeive

in, unleCs the firfl can at the Came inflant gi,e OUI. When

bOlh can be done al once, it is done with iDcooeeivable

quickocCs and violeoee.

Glafs has within ils Cubllaoce Ihe fame quaotilY of e·

leélrieal fire at all times, aod thal quaotity is very greal

in proponioo tO the mafs of elaCs. Thi, quaolity it ob·

llinately retaios ; and will have oeither more oor Icfs,

though it IVill allow a ehaoge


be made io its pam . nd

filU;tion; lhat is, we may lake away pan from ooe of

the Gdes, pro,id.d we throw . n equ, l quantity ioto Ihe

other. Yet wheo the fituali oo of the cleél rie.15re is

thus altered io the glaCs, it IVill not be at rdl, or io its

oaturalllate, till il be reflorcd tO its

ori~ioA I


and this reflitutioo eaonol be maJe through the Cubllance

of Ihe elafs, but mufl be dooe by a



eatioo formed IVithout from Curface tO Curf,ce. Thus

the whole force of the botde, , nd powcr of ei,iog a

!hock, refides io the


itlclf; the eoati"I:', or euo·

duéliog CubllJoces io

wtlh the tWO [udaces, [er·





viog only tO ¡;ive and recc:l'c tO 2r.d

f;o:~ th~

fcrual pms

of the glaCs; dm is, tOgire io ooe fi¿e, and t,.J,e alVay

fromthe other. TI"s IVas di!comtd by ))r FraokJin,

aod provcd by the followiog exrellt!1eot: ' 1'lIrrofiog,

, (fays he,) tOanali¡e the e1e/lidi",! benle, io orJer tO

, fi"d whereio its flrene'h lay, we plmd it 00 gJafs; 20d

, drelVout the eork and IVire, whieh for that pu' poCe had

, beeo 100Cely PUt io. Theo taking the botrle io .ooe

, hand, and briogioe a finger of the other oear ItS mouth,

, a flrong Cpat k came from the water, and the nlOck was

, as violeol as if the IVire had remaioed in it, IVllleh ¡hclV'

, ed thal the force did not lie in the \I'ire. Tbeo tO fiod

, if il refided in the water, being ero\VdeJ iolO aod coo·

, deoCed io il, as confioed by the ebCs, which had beeo

, our former opioion, we eleélriGed the boule agaio, aod

, placing it 00 glafs drtlV OUt the \Vire aod cork .s be·

, fore; theo t"kiog up Ihe botde,


dmnted . 11 ns

, water into ao cmpty bonle, "hich ItkelVile lIood 00

, glaCs; aod Iolkioe up that oth,r bonle, we



, lhe force refidcd in the water, tOfiod " Ihock froOl il ;

, bUI there was oooe. We judged th,n t:lat it mull either

, be lofl in decaoting, or rem,io io the firll botde. The

, lauer we fouod tO be true; for thal bonle 00 Iri.1 ga'e

, the Ihock, though nlled up as it flood with f"nl une·

, leélrified lVater from a lea'pOt --To God, theo, whe·

, lher glaCshad this propcrry merely as


or IVhether

, the form eootribllted any thiog tOit; ,IVe 100k a pane

, of

. Cs, and layiog il 00 the hand, placed a plate

, of lead 00 its upper Curface; then ele8nGed tlm plate,

, aod bringing a finger 10 it, there IVas a Cpark aod

'lhock , We theo look IWO piates of Jead of equal di·

, meofions, but lefs thao the glafs by tWO iDches cvery

, lVay, aod eleélrified the


bet\Veen thcm, byelce.

, rrifyiog the uppermofl lead; theo feparated the


, from the lead; in doing which, \Vhat liule fire might be

, io the lead was taken OUt, and the gl,Cs being louched

, io the eleélrified parts IVith afinger, afforded onl)' very

, Cmall pricking fparks, bUI a ereal numberoflhemmighl

, be takeDfrom dilferent places, Theo dexterollOy pla.

, ciog it agaio bet\,eeo the leadeoplates, and complming

, a cirele betIVeeo the tWOCurfaees, a violeot nlOek en·

, fued.--Which demonllfdted the power tO refiJe iD

, glars 's

; aod th,t the non·eleélrie, io eoota8


, edooly, like the armature of a loadflone, tO uoite the

, force of the feveral pam, aod bring them at ooee to

, an)' poinl defired: il being Ihe propcrty of a oon·elee·

, trie, that Ihe ",hole boey iofiamly reeeives or give!

, whal eleélrie.1 fire is givcn tD or takeo from any one of



, !t

is 3mazine tOobCerve io holV Cmall a portioo of

• sl,fs a Crw ",e(lrieal force may lie , A tillO glafs

, bubble about ao inchdiameter, \V,ighing onl)' fi, grains,

• bfine h. lr


with ",atcr, panly gilt onIhe outlide,

, and fUIoiftlcd wilh a lVire h00k, gIY('S, when


, as ereat a nlOck as a OIao can well be". As Ihe


• is Ihickdl nm the oliGce, [ fu ppoCe the low('r hal f,

, IVhich heine gilt was deélriGctl ,IIltI


the Ihoek, ci:d

• OOt


t\VO graios: for it


when bn,ke,

• mueh thioner duo the Ilppcr 1 ... 11 --11 "ne of thdO

• thin butlles be eh lificd


the cO;lti,,&, .nd t!le fpark
