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fent him;


the publication whereof che fu~cefs of his neg?tiation confiaed;

there being no ocher means whereby the lnhab1tants and Sould1ers could come


the knowledge of his Majeíl:y's gratious Pardon for all crimes and faulcs already

committed and of che Repeal of che late Ordinances, chan by thefe Papers and

Letters. td difperfe which he treated wich

Fermmde~ ,

and obtained his promife

to be i~íl:rumental cherein: to which purpofe two Copies were drawn boch ot

of che Pardon and of che Repeal of che Ordinances, as alfo of che Letters which

were wrote


particular perfons; ali which were delivered into che hands of



and he fafely returned afhoar. So foon as he was landed, he wenc direétly to


and caking him apare f~om che company, ~e told him fecretly, th_at


hac made him great promifes, m cafe he would d1fperfe amongíl: the people chofe

Papers and Leccers which concained che pardon and revoC3lioti of che late Laws:

and co amufe


wich vain hopes, I gave him ( faid he ) my promife fo


doe and received che Papers, which


here fairhfully deliver into your hand: for

fine~ you have been plea(ed to entruíl: me wirh your perfon, y©ur fafety, and

your eíl:ace, having had fo greac a confidence in me as co adventure me for a Ho–

fiage amongft your Enemies ; I refolve to be faichfull and true to you, and wich

my other vermes to bequeach that of faithfulnefs and truth to rny pofierity : be–

fides chefe he uttered many other Aattering expreffions wherewith to delude


and fettle him in an aífured confidence of his imegrity and realiry towards him.

Gonfalo Pifarro

who was naturally in himfelf of a frank and noble difpoÍttion, be–

lieved every word that


had told him ; and taking che Papers from


repofed an entire confidence


ali bis aélions and dealings: upon which


gained an opporcunity wicb better fecur~ry to publiíl1 and difperfe his Papers;

chofe which were for particular friends, in whom he could confide, he delivered

wich his ownhand, and che others he threw in acWindows and puc under Doors;


thac che Contents chereof were foon known and divulged over ali che Town

which had che effeét :ind iífue for which chey were deíigned, as we fhall hereafte;

fee in che fequel of chefe matters.

For no fooner was che fubfiance of thefe Papers publifhed, wich a panicular

claufe, Thar whofoever was deíirous to gain che benefic of his Majefty's gratious

Declaration, and efcape ro che Ships, lhould find Boacs ready in che River to re–

ceive chem and carry chem on board, bue grear Difiurbance arofe io che minds

of the people ; for no man knew whom he could trufi, every one growing jealous

and fufpicious each of orher: and indeed there was jufi caufe for ic, becaufe

chofe who had entred inro rhe mofi folemn engagemenrs were che firíl: who broke

them and f\ed ro che Enemy. And chough che Camp was pirched ac fome di–

ílance in che fields, and Orders given ouc for che Army ro march by way of che

plains; yec feveral principal perfons having obtained licence ro goe to che Town

under colour of making proviGon of neceífaries for cheir march, returned not a~

gain to che Camp, as they hád promifed to


bue renouncing his caufe and

inrereíl:, marched away ro


The moít coníiderable of chefe perfons were

l/afco de G11evara, Martin de Menefn, NicholM de Ribera , Heman Bravo de Laguna

Diego de Efc(Jbar, Francifco de Barlovento, Diego Tmoco, Francifco de Amp11ero



Ramim de Sofa,

ali which had Poffellions of Lands and Eílates in

Lo, RCJu


Couo ;

and beftdes chem, feveral prívate Souldiers quitted che Service. Of which


having received intelligence by che Ouc-guards, he immediacely ordered


de la Torre

wich cwemy Mufqueciers


goe in purfuic of chem and kill

chem in cafe chey refufed


recuro. Accordingly Captain

de ta Torre


chemaboue eighc leagues, and nocovercaking them, he rurned back, and in his

way mee wich

Hernan Bravo,

who had for fome time abfconded himfelf in aKinf–

man's houfe in

Lo, Reyc,,

,~here fear~ng .to be difcovered, and confidering che

rrouple he fhould rhereby bnng upon h1sfriends, he refolved to advenmre abroad

and followche reft of hisCompanions, bue being unhappily mee by Capcain


la Torre,

he was broughc back and delivered to

Francifco de Carvajal,


be hanged

for a Runagace.


Bue ir happened chaca cercain Lady of Qualicy , named

Yne; Bravo ,

Wife of

N icho!M'dc Ribera,

who was one ofchofe lacely revolced, was informed chac



who was her Coíin german, was caken, and would cercainly be execuced.

íhe '~'.ich her own mocher _fpeedily wenr to


Tenc s and chough fhe wa;



her felf of havmg perfuaded both her Husband and Kinfrnan to make

rheir efcapes; yec being aífured of che generous and mercifull nature of

Pifam ,
