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viz: Call l


T r o r Chh. ·aJ·u-calle; Call


va or


oj -call · Are Iri or Kuichipunl u.


ral nam viz: Suitu-k·ata ar v ry graphic in

gi' ing an idea of the hape of the plac or str


The use of the suffix ' pata signifying o–

bre or ' escalón ' is very frequent since th re are

many terraces in the construction of the City of


THE SACRED CITY: Cuzco of the Tawanti-



as not only the capital of the Inkas but

also the great "Kaaba" the religious city the cen–

ter of the sanctuari s. Hence the veneration, the



orship r endered to Cuzco. Even today,

the Indian, upon leaving the city, at det rmined

spots o p sses will go down n líe de _ knee to

pay hi r

o the old ca ita .

I Century:

"The ci ty, /'o uzco was he ho e nrl soj ourn of

the God , and ahnost every f unt, ell or wall,

hacl its enigma."

The references to charts and 1'egends dealing

\.vith hidden treasure are infinite, - as in the case

of most ancient cities. There is reason to believe

that. this is not ·entirely fantasy. The



countless underground channels, rooms and hid–

ing places of a pre-Columbian era, is fully proved

by the discovery of treasures and by the testi,mony

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