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Consideraciones finales.

Existe nútnero apreciable de americanis–

tas en la actu alidad de los cuales cada uno

ve en el otro un cornpetidor peligroso que le

puede quitar algo de su gloria bien o inal me–

recida. Cada uno de éstos, y especialmente

aquellos cuya ciencia irradia desde su con–

fortable escritorio de roble


que se creen

unos omnisapientes, ven con desconfianza y

ble size, the houses being ot solid material ( they think

of brick), and formed in to streets of great regu1arity.

No-vv the Indian has ad no means of realizing what a

permanently built town is, except wbat he has se<tn in

Paraguay proper, but I have never heard of the remo··

test idea being proved that deceased Indians had




th Eastern peoples or cities. The Lengua

has been a nomad for generations, and there is no sign

in their country of their ever having built any perma–

rtent d\'v eling. The Indian's belief is that the souls of

the deceased continue to live in the body. Ho'v comes

it, then that he should imagin that the soul should

adopt in the


life a mode of living of which he has

had no experiance in .this life? But just as he . holas