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RoCe·mes, of which Ihcre are various Com, (uccced

btn in a Ilrong


grouncl, lolmbly moil!; Ihey

may eilher be railtd from iJym or fuckers, laid down and

laken from Ihe olel rOOIS in February or March, and

Iran(planted immediattly before Ihe rOOIS grow dry:

filould Ihere be a nmffily for keeping Ihem OUI of Ihe

ground lor (ome time, lay their rools in water five or fix

.hours before they are plam/d.


rofe·me does wdl in borders, or in the quarters

of wildernels works, among olher flowering fhrubs ; and

(ome or other of Ihem will be in flower for leo mooths io


The laburoum tree is commooly planled among the o·

Ilter Ao"criog fhrubs of Ihe lVildernef., and will grolV in

Ihe mon opeo expofure, as "eU as uoder the fhade of

luge trces: it may eafily be rai(ed from feeds folVo in

Ihis ruonlh, aod traofpl,nted two years after it comes

UD .

. The altr.a:a may be raifed from laym or feeds; there


(everal diffmnr colours of tbis flulVer, aod tltey may

bebudded fo as to have all the colours on one plant.

The pomegranate proCpers mofl in aIight foil; and be·

ing propagated by iaying down the foung fhoots in Ihis

mooth or March, may be trapCplanted eilher in the fpring

or aUlumn Ceafon, when they may be put in pOIS, or a·

.cainl! a Coulh lVall, whm Ihe fruit lVill ripen .

Thepomegranate may a1Co be raiCed from feed.

!he(yringa may be raifed from feeds; but it is hardly

thought 1V0rth Ihe Irouble, as it is very apt tOput fonh

(uckers; theCe, hOlVever, may \vilh eafe be takeo off an.d

lranCplanted at this lime of the ym, and in Seplember.


is a fhady pofition IVhich make.s Ihis fh rub fhoo!,

and Ihe


makes il flower; but il will grow almofl



The lilach is a plaot


grows to apreny large trce,

bm:ng bunches of purple blolfoms, likcs plumes of fea·

Ihm, inMay; and is raifed by laying down tite young


in Ihis month or March, or by taking off the

fuckers, and plallting Ibem io


light (oil, aboul the fa me

lime, Or in Seplcmber

Thefe tr/el are highly ornamental io the quaners o(

wilderoefs works, and (ruall walks of tltem are very plea.


The Spaoifh broom il plaoted in wilderoefs 1V0rks, aod

may be raifed from feees (own io light eanh; al(o by

Iaving dowo Ihe tender braoches, and cUltiog Iltemal Ihe

joims, afler the maoner of Ibe carnatioo; but the lamr

¡nelhod is nOl fo cenain as the otlter, Ihough it is far

more troublefome.


laurus ~ious

is greatly admired for producing ils

.flower in lhe lIIinler; and may be raifed flom lhe berries,

managed as tbe holly; or from layers, which is the mon

expedilious way.


plant is greatl yhurt by (rofl, and (ucmds befl


mDlfl fhady placel


it will fiourifh in loamy foil, wilh·

OUt the hclp of aoy rich manUle, which (ol'wards its




TIle laurus tintlS, is often Irained up as. headed pIJot,


it i, beíl planled 'gainn a wall, or in wilderneffcs ;




obfcrvable, Ihat tbis plant, like all ollter exotics,


oa!urally incliocdlo bloffom about ule fpring io ils


counlry, which isour autumo; for which reafon, it fhould

be pruncd in our fpring (cafoo afler it has none blowing.

The phillyrea, may in grneral be propagaled from tbe

perries, or raifed (roOl layers, which will prefcotly take


This plant, "hich (uccccds befl in a nalural light foil,

grows very fafl; and being well fupported wilh rails qr

lIakes, a oumber of Ihem makes a vely thlck and hand.

(ome hedge.

ne yew·tree delighu in a light barreo




more plentiCwlly produced 00 the coldefl mountaios Ih.n

io the richefl fpils.

The berries of the yew may be laiJ io fand, as thofe

of tite bolly, before they are (ollln ; and Ihm is no dif·

ficulty in propagating tltis plant, or remo,ing it, if


roots are pruneel from lime tO time, by diggiog aboue

it while it flands io the nurfery.

The holly will grow 10 a very large me; but being


rooted plant, does oot fucceed well when traofplaoted,

lIolefs the roots have been ofleo pruned in the nurfery.

The bcrries of Ihis plant, when ripe, are to be galher.


and afler they have

to fwea! (ome time, are

to be pUl in (and or eanh, lill Ihe autumn following,

when, and likeivi(e io Ihis month, they may be fowo io

ourfery beds.

They willlie iDthe ground for a loog lime before Ihey

begio 10 fpring, and it will be four or five years before

the youog fiocks will be fit to graft or inoculate upoo.



mufl be done in March. and the inocula·

tiog in July; bUI for flandard trces or hedges, they muft

be planted at their proper difiances while m y young,

Ihat they may be accuflomed 10 the(oil.

The bay tree, which is managed as Ihe holly, is rai·

Sed by berries fuwo in this moolb, on a bed of earth frelh

dug, and covmd with fome (refh oatural eanb, well

fifted, about tWO ioches thick

In about fix weeks, the(eeds thusfolVo will come up,

fhould the wealher prove moil!; they fhould he covered

with nraw, or fern, for the three firfi wioters, after

which time they




When Ihefe plants are difcoloured by Crofl; cut off


!op·branclt io Ihe rpring, and they will fhoot afrelb.

Tite bay-me mayalfo be rai{ed from layers iaid down

in the momh of O.'lober, for


fet io pots of ¡ine

emh, IWO or three inches deep; and from fuckers takeo

up wilh as much root as may be, anel planted in IheOtade,

in agravclly foil, bcing well watered tO fettle lhe earel!

about Ihcil roots.

The laurel is propagaled io the famc manner as the

bay.uee, loves fhade, refills the wealher, and will tbrive

in almoll cvery foil.

Towards the end of Ihis month,.if the fcaCon proves

favourable, flir Ihe (urface of the ground of your fiower·

beds, and e1tar tlteor from weeds, mofs, and IVhmver

61th may appear thmon, "hich will nOI only make your

garden look oeat, bUI be of peculiar


to Ibe





buJio:fs of tbis moolh is chicBy p!,uniog aod grart–
