on all except 155 miles, wbicb hn.d a 3-foot 7i-inch gange. The English Cape Colony
had in 1885 1,522 miles, all of 3-foot 6-inch gauge.
In America, apart from the comparatively small mileage of the United States roads
with 3-foot ga.uge, practically tbe wbole ofthe United States and Canadian railwa.ys
are of 4 feet 8t inches to 4 feet 9 inches. In Mexico, in 1884, 2,083 miles were 4 fcet
8iinches, and 944 3-feet gauge.
In Brazil, at the end of 18S4, there were 869 miles of
feet 3 incbes gauge, aml4,1G-1 milesof various gauges between 2 feet and 4-feet 7 inchet:l
over 3,700 miles, being 1 meter, or 3 feet
inches. So that this may be considerad
tlle standard gange of Brazil.
lu Australia the diffcrent colonies, ratber singnlarly, have ditferent gauges, that of
New South 'VaJes being 4 feet 8t inches; Victoria, 5 feet 3 inches; South Australia,
5 feet 3 inches and 3 feet Giuches, and the otber colonies 3 feet 6 inches.
The total mileage in operation in the world at the cnu of 1885 was 303,048 miles.
Of this length 74 per cent. wcro of the 4 feet 8t inches to 4 feet 9 inches; 12 per cent.
llad largor ganges, and 14 per cent. smaller.
(Engineering News, Deceruber 8, 1888.)