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Royal Commentaries.

tion, thac ali people, upon pain of deach, fhoulcl come in to cheir parcy; and thac

Lights were fet up in che Stre~ts , and Guards placed , to prevenc che efcape of

any perfon whacfoever.

I fay nocwithíl:anding, chac nothing paffed more chac

nighc chan whac is befare relaced ; for , I being chen a boy , had che Libercy to

run abouc, and was an eye-wirnefs of all rhac paffed; for chefe people being


few in number , could neicher fec up Lights, nor appoinc Watches and Guards

in all parts of the.Cicy, which was above a Leagoe in Compafs. The riext day

chey wenc to che Govemour's Lodgings, where chey examined his Clofec and

Papers; amongft which ( as chey repare) were found above eighteen feveral

Orders of che


uíl:ices, ali cending to che damage an9 prejudice of che Cicizens ;

namely , chat chey íhould free and acquic che


of áll perfonal Services, chac

none of chem fhould be compelled ro labour in the Mines, nor to receive or quar–

cer Souldiers, nor to mainrain them eicher fecretly or in publick, all which were

Inventions ro raife Mucinies, and incite che Souldiery to join wich rhem.


The third day afcer this Rebellion


was employed i~ making Vifits

to che principal Citizens ac their own bornes: • and amongíl: che reíl:; i::oming ro

my Facher's Houfe, where I, and my Mocher-in-law were onely pre(ené, he told

us, amongíl: ocher chings; that whac he had done, was for che publick good and

well-fare of ali che Souldiers, Cicizens and Planrers, of che whole Empire. Thac

che fupreme Charge and Super-inrendency of al! chefe rnatters he referved noc for

himfelf, bue to beíl:ow it on fome orher who beíl: deferved it: And he defüed

my Mocher to prevail with my Father not long~r


conceal himfelf, but ro meec

him and che reíl: of his Aífociaces in che Markec-place, to confulc and arder mac–

ters ac a time when che difficulty of affairs required his affiíl:ence.

- The lil<e Difcoinfes he ufed in other Houfes where he made bis Vifits, belie–

ving rhat thofe who did noc appear had.abfconded cheq-ifelves, noc imaginiog chat

chey-werefled to

Los R•eyes:

bue when my Mother-in·-]aw aífured him, thac lince

che Wedding-nighr, fhe had not feen my Facher, nor had he enrred_into his Houfe;

which my Mocher affirming wich ali the Oaths and Aífeveracions fhe could make,

!he defüed him in cafe he believed her noc, co make fearch in all the p'arts and

corners of che Houfe ; he then was convinced, and faid, thac he wondered at ic;

and fo cuccing off all farcher difcourfe, he took his leave, and went


vifit other

Houfes , where he found che fame verified, as in this _place.

For the truch is,

they did not ali


away che fame night, bue four or five.nights after, as -they

found convenienc; for having no Guards in che Streets, nor at ch~ Gaces, every

one efcaped withouc much difficulcy.

. .





About eight days after this Rebellion was begún , one

Bernardino de Roh,les,,


bold and lude fellow inforrned

Hernandez Giran,


Baltafar qe Cafli!lia


¡ohn de


che Accounrant were preparing to make their Efcape and carry with fhem

divers orhers, and chac all their wroughc Place and ocher moveables they had fe_cured ,

in -a Monaíl:ery: which fo foon as


underíl:ood, he p~efemly called for


Law;er Diego de A/varado,

and ordered him co examine the matter, and1>uniQ1

the Oftenders according to their derneric. The Lawyer required no great Forma–

lity in the Procefs or of Witneffes to give cheir Tefümonies; .for he owed an old

grudge to

Ba!ta(ar de Cajlillia


on the fcqre of a quarrel w'hich about cwo.,months

. befare happened between them in the ~hief Market-place of che <,::icy, in which

ir was the formne of borh of chem to be wounded ; which the Lawyer not eíl:ed'.–

ming a fufficient fatisfadion, was angry chaE he had not killed .him ;




qave faid, he prefim1ed more ori his Weapon than on bis Leat!)ing : and 'noi


having an opportunity to vent his Anger wich Colour of Authority, he exerci[ed

his Commiffion with ali Severity upon innocent men, who, as' report go~s;,


-not guilty of che leaíl: offence : for rhe fame night chat he .received his



he wem direétly to che Houfes of thofe who were accufed; and allotted chem a

fhort time, not fufficient to make their Confeffion , and rhen de1ivered them in–

to che hands of che Hang-man

'fohn Enriq~ei:.,

to be íl:rangled


who was the fame

Exe:cuciorter wbo had beheaded

Gonfafo Pifarro

a_nd hanged and. '}Uafrered his

Captains and Lieutenant General. The next day after this R~bellion of



had broken out , chis Bloudy Rogue íhewe(d bimfelf openly in the_-Ma~ket~

place, with bundles of Halrers about him, and ali the Iníl:rumems of aeath and

tot'ment ; prefuming that time would now


work far him and employmfi:nt for

a man·of bis Office : he alfo drew out bis brought Sword to cut offHeads ; but

he payed afcerwards for chis prefumption, as we fhall fiad by the fequd :· How-




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