III: ·
their Qgarrels and Differences; being de~rous ~o rernic a_ll their pre~enfions to ~he
fole decermination and arbirrement of h1s Ma¡eíl:y, for m regard chac he was de–
fcended from che Sun they were áífured of bis Juíl:ice and Reéhcude, and thac
bis Séntences were iníallible; ·and cherefore prorNted thac they would adhére unto
and reíl: fatisfied wich whatfoever he fhould ~clare to be his Judgment and ulti-
.mate Decilion in their ConcroverÍle.
having heard che Meífage, gave anfwer, That the
might .be
pleafed to com~ ac fuch time as would befr fuit wich rhtlir conveoience, and ·rhac
chen he would ufe his beíl: endeavours
bring rhem to a right underíl:anding
of each other; ofwhich he did' not e1Jtertain che leaíl: doubt, in regard that he,
refolving to confuir che Wifedorn of his Father che Sun in tl~eir cafe , and ap–
ply his Ordinances and Laws to the prefent difference, che Judgment he fhould
pronounce would be infallible, and uncapable of any Errou: or Miíl:ake.
This gratious Anfwer was very fatJsfaétory to the
that they boclí
mee before che
ar the time appointed, and both at che fame time caíl: chem–
felves on cheir knees, and kiífed his Hand , thac neither mighc feem to have a
preference·before ·che orher.
whofe Lands bordered neareíl: on che fron–
tiers of che;
was- che
tbat had che privilege to (peak in che name of them
boch, rendring a large account of che differences which were between them, and
o( the Original from whence they did arife; he declared, That their Q!arrel was
enflamed by Envy and Emulation, .whenfoever one obferved che other to gain
and advance in honour, and to be-111ore profperous chan himfelf; fometimes
vetoufne[s was che motive,, when boch defigned on each orhers Territories; bue
moíl: commorily d1~Boun aries,and Lil"1'.irs ?f their refpeéhve Jurifdidions was
che occafion of their W ars: For _derermm·anon of \\ hKh they prefeAted them–
felves before his Majeíl:y, humbly imploringhi facred Semence and Arbitremenc
_co determine choíe Wars, of which they were weary, and w_hich had for many–
years waíl:ed cheir Countries, to che greac Miíery and Defolation of each orhers
People and Subje&.
heard and received their Requeíl: witb his accu–
·fiornary gemlenefs and favour, and ordered tbat for the prefent two·of his Cap–
tains, who were
and <1ncient _Counfellours, íhould feverally cake one of
inro his charge and cuition, to teach and iníl:ruét him in the Laws
ofNature, which were che Rules the
obíerved in che Govemment of rheir
Pe1ople, ·that
they might live in peace and unicy, and giving unco every one
his due and ¡·ight, boch in Eíl:ate and Honour. And as ro the differences which
arofe abouc .che Bounds and Extent of their reípeétive Jurif9iéhons, he told them
that he would fend two
who were of bis Kindred, ro take informat~ons
from che
of che Provinces, concerning che Cauíe and Original of cheir
long continued War and Q!_arrel. The which being performed, and che
macurely advifed in
particular, he debated the matt~rs wirh his Council,
and then calling the
befare him, he told chem in few words, That' his
Facher che Sun had revealed unto him, thac che onely way and means
cile thefe diffenting Parcies, was to enjoin them to keep his Laws and Precepts,
che defign ánd intentof wbich was to conferve Peace and Concord in che World,
and chac fince War produces noc11ing but Deíl:ruéhon, a proof and evidence
whereof chey had
tbeir own, vvhich had waíl:ed each ochers force, they fhould
now at length be advifed ro Peace, leíl: tbey boch become· a prey to fome otber;
wh_o obíerving t_heir e~feebled and coníumed condicion, maycake bis opportuniries
ro mvade thern m their weaknef , and deíl:roy them borh: And as ro rhe Limits
of their r~ípeéti\\e Territories, he appoinced chat heaps of Scones, or Moums
fhould be caíl: up, for Land-marks -and Boundaries of their Frontiers which be–
ing paffed and invaded in a hoíl:ile manner, fhould be accounted a bre~ch and vi~
larion of che Peace on che íide of che firíl: Aggreífor. Laíl:ly, he cold th~rn
Tbat this was che Sentence and final Decerrninacion of bis Facher che Sun
prccuring Peace, and ending ali íl:rife and variance between them; and rhac lince
they had by mutual confent coníl:ituted hlm che Umpire and Arbicrator of cheir
- Differences, he proteíl:ed chat he confirmed che Semence of his Facher ancl re–
folved to proceed feverely againíl- him who fhould give che firíl: occafio~ ro vio·
late che fame.