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bim to


and for beccer fecurity, the Mayor made him take the Oarh of





I cannoc imagin where chis. Authour received ,this re_]ation_, ~o comrary to all

truth, and which founds fo hke a Romance or a PoetICal F1füon. Bue this is

moíl: cerrain, chat


carne to che City of

Los Reyes,

and there prefemed him~

felf before che Royal Courc ofJuílice, where the Judges comrnitted.him ro pri–

fon : bue rnany days had not paífed, before he was enlarged, and the whole Cicy

aíligned him for his confinernent : and in a fhorc time afterwards they took his

own obligation and difcharged him upon che cerms he offered.


reported, ·thac he married with a very Noble Lady, young, venuous and beauti–

full ; and unworthy of chofe forrows and affiiébions which her husband broughc

upon her by his fecond Rebellion : as we fhall fee in c~e fequel of chis Hiílory.

With her he rerurned to



where for forne days and months ; I cannot


years, he remained quier; howfoever,


che mean time, he converfed wich none

bue Souldiers, avoiding, as muchas he could, ali fociety and communicarion ·wirh

che Cicizens : atlength he broughc an Aétión again(t one of che principal


bersofche Cicy , abouc an Horfe,


hich be challenged to be his, though in rea–

lity he had no title thereunto ; for tbe trucb was , he had lbíl: him in che late

W'ars of


having been taken from him by a íl:ouc Souldier, and as Iaw–

full prize fold by him to a Citizen for a round fum of money, wbich was witnef–

fed by anorher Souldier who knew how he carne by him. Howfoever, in regard

the Souldier who fold him had followed


Parry, the Horfe was kept pri–

vately and µnknown to afiy, befi~e~ rhe MaHer hirnfelf: bue at _lengch che Horfe

coming to be difcovered , che Cmzen was contented to fell h1m to


ar an

' under rate, rather rhan


bring the Souldier into quefüon, who mighc have been

hanged or fent to the gallies for the farne ; fo that chis fuir about the Horfe ferved

onely to íhew bis go?d-will and kin_dnefs.towards his Cornpanions and Equals,

who were Lords over


and,en¡oyed Eílates; for, as I obfe~ved, l1e never

kept cornpany or entertained comrnunication wich them ; bue onely with Soul–

diers, and with them he fpent his whole time and employed bis chief concerñment,

as will appear fome few days afterwards. For cercain Souldiers, as íl:out and as

mutinous as the ochers ; obferving the little rigour and feverity ,1/hich was ilfed

againíl: the infolénce and mutioous behaviour of

Francifco Giron

and bis Aífociates

were encouraged to attempt che like Outrages·: bue being few in number and

wichout any Head thac was confiderable , they refolved to find out one, be he

what he would; and


publickly was this rnatter difoourfed and treated, that ic

becarne che cornmon calk of ali the.City of

Los Reyes :

and atlengch che rumour



far fpread that it carne to the Ears of the'Mayor of


w_ho being rhere"

upon requeíl:ed to cake cognizance of the Matter, ro examine che Plot , and to

punifh che Offenders; he excufed him(elf, faying, thar he was nct to creare more

Enernies than thofe forrnerly, who w-ere

Hernande:.:, Giron

and his Adherents; and

as for chofe Troubles then aéting, che incurnber\ce lay on the Court of Juíl:ice ro

fupprefs a_nd prevenc them ; and in cafe chey held themfelves unconcerned, he for

bis part would not interrneddle with Affairs, which belonged to a fuperiour power.

Whilíl: chefe chings were in agitacion in che Councrey, a cerrain Inhabitant of





Don ¡ohn de Mendoya


a Martial man, and one kind to che Souldiery,

happened ro come then


Town, with intemion rarher to aggravate rnaccers, and

incite others, chanto concern himfelfeither one way or che ocher. So foon as he.



che Cicy, he created with che principal Cornplotters., who were called

Fiancifc~de M iranda and ,Alonfo de Barrionuevo,

who was chen High Sheriff of che·

Cir_y, and wich

Alonfo Hernandez., Melgarejo.



told hirn, that che Soul–

diers·had wich general confent chafen hirn for their Comrnander in Chief, and


for bis Lieutenant,: che which

M endoya

difcovered to cerrain Cirizens

who were his Friends, advifing chem


avoid fuch danger from che Souldiery,

and to abandon che City : bue when he perceived that chey ílighced bis Counfel

he chen travelled to che Cicy of

Los Reyes,

publifhing a11che way he wenr, ho~

rhat al!

was in an aproar: and rhat che Cicy had taken no notice of him

eirher going or corning.


rnencions che Aight of



'feronimo Co-.



have been ac chis time; which had been two years before, as we have

noted it before.