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over the purfuit,of the Enemy, who were fo far advanced before chem, chac ic

was impoffible to ove¡·take them. And having refrefhed his meo in



well as he could, he marched away in good order by the fame way chac the Vice–

king had paffed; where in the way chey picked up fome of che Vice-king's

people, who were tired, and not able, by weakneís to follow bis Camp, and

orhers, who out of fome difcontent had deferted bis Parcy: bue as ro tbe Vice–

king, with fuch as were wich him, he purfued his tnarch cowards che Cicy of


which is fituated in a Countrey plentifull of al! provifions for refrefhmenc

of his meo, who were much tired and weakned for wanc of neceffary Food. Af–

ter fome litcle repofe and refrefhmenc takeo,


continued his purfuir, though

by his long (lay he was far caíl: behind : howCoever as he paífed he took feveral of

the Vice-king's men, who lagged in che rere, which he refufed to enrertain in his

fervice, either becaufe he was fufpicious of rhem, or becaufe he had more meo

rhan provifions, and oeeded no additiooal forces againíl: che weaknefs of his Ene–

my: bue fuch as he cook of rhem he fenC·away either


Truxi/lo, Los Reyes


any other pare, according


every m:m's choice; bue men,of note and qualicy he

hanged up. The Reople who were chus permitted


recurn llnto their homes,

reponed ali thiogs where they paffed in favour of che Vice-king, and in difparage–

menr of


whom rhey reprefenced as cruel and tyrannical ; which moíl: per–

fons believed, becaufe they eíl:eemed che caufe of che Vice-king


be j.u(l and

1oyal: And whereas the people who refide in chat Province are more defirous of

news and changes than in other places, becaufe they are Souldiers, which are idle,

and give themfelves


no bufineís or employmenc, and cherefore encercain dif–

courfes of State Affairs with much variety and pleafure in their calk : And on che

conrrary, Citizens and men of bufinefs are averfe from che War, becaufe they are

haraíied therewith, and fübjeéted


the infolence of Souldiers, and though they

intermeddle not in Affairs, yet they are liable upon every little occafion to be

quefüoned by him who Governs, and be put to death, thac their Eíl:ates being

confifcated he may gratifie., his Followers and Fafüon with them; and rherefore

having thefe fears, every one talked and difcourfed of news. Thefe rumours were


common and loud that they carne


che ears of


aqd hisRulers in cheir

refpeétive Jurifdiétions;


fupprefs which reporrs in all places, and more efpeci–

~lly at

Los Reyes,

where che greareff confluence of people was, many were h:rnged


Warrant from an ordinary Jufüce, called

Pedro M artín·de Cici!ia,

·who was ve–

ry zealous in che caufe of

Gon 1alo Pif_arro

and for che fuccefs of his Affairs.

For as


Loren 1 ode A!dana,

who was his chief Depuey rhere, he was caucious and wary'

how he intermeddled in matters, for which he might be called into queíl:ion in cafe

the cicle of Affairs íhould mm ; bue behaved himfelf with char moder:uion as pre–

venced the effulion of bloud, and confifcation ofEítates ; and for che whole rime

ofhis_Governmenc he kepc th~ngs in fuch order, chat, chough he aél:ed by Com–


Pi 1 arro,

yet, he never did any thing parcial or againíl:. Law in his

favour, but radíer proteél:ed thofe who Were inclined to che Vice-king's Parry;

who being fenfible of bis favour, flocked from other Provinces


cake refuge un–

der him ; of which che Zealots fot


taking particular notice, efpecially che

High Confiable of tbe City called

Chriftopher de Burgos

tefüfiea great difpleafure

thereupon; for which

Lorenfo de Aldana

feverely reproved him, and gave him ve–

ry hard words publickly qefore the people, and on farther provocac_ion cbpt him

into Prífon. Of all which, chough


received certain intelligence

yec, he differnbled che macter, judging thar, being far diíl:anc, it would not b;

convenient to revoke


Cominiffion, becaufe he was füong in Souldiers, which

were with hirn, and had gained che affeél:ions and good will of che people iG rhat


Thus far are che wor~s of

Auguftine Carate.




