· '-._
form him of the !late bf Affairs, and ofall che paífages which hád occurred, and
co excufe whatfoevet liad paífed; with tnany ocher things of chis nature. To
which Parciculars no other Anfwer was given, chan chat he íhould c~ll che Judges,
that fot ch~ good of che Counttey, it was requifüe
thereof; and when that was done; chey would chen cake fuch odier Meafures for
che publick gootl, as fhoi.Jld be propofed by chem; and on che contrary, in cafe
refüfal, they would giv~ up che City of
Los Reyes
co·be plundred and facked by
che Souldiery. With chis Anfwer
remrned ro che Judges, who were trou–
bled to receive a Meífage
toncrary to rneir expeétations, and fo plain and pu–
blick a-Dedaration of che mind of
whom chey once believed to be bet–
ter inclined, arid to have no ocher defigns and preteníions, chan onely che expulíion
of che Vice-king, and che fufpen"Íton of che new Laws; wherefore _in anfwer to
chis demand chey recurned ameífage to che Captains, giving them to underíl:and,
having coníidered of cheir Propofals, chey knew noc how to grant or crear on
them, unlef5 they were delivered in writing according to che ufüal methods and
\1/,ay of proceedings in chofe rnatters. When chis matter was known, ali che Re–
prefentacives of che feveral Cities which were going to che Carnp recurned back
again , and joining wlth chofe of ocher Corporations, who were chen aífembled
Los Re;es,
gave in a Pecition to che Judges fitting on the Bench, deíiring a con–
ceffion of what was verbally requirei:l. The Judges coníidered hereof, as a mat•
rer of great concernmenc and dangerous, for chey had no Commiffion to warrant
them in chis Declaration, nor had che.y libercy or power ac chat time to refufe it:
had made _by chis time a very near approach to che Cicy, and had poí–
feífed himfelf of ali ·che ways and avenues thereunco:
chat in chis íl:rait and
difficulty they refolved to confülc wich che perfoos of greateíl: power and authori–
ty in che Cicy, and ro delire cheir opinion and concurrence wich chern, a memorial
whereof chey fent to Friar
Gmnimo de Loayfa
Archbit11op of
Los Re;es,
to Friar
ohn Salano
Archbiíhop of
G11rcia Dia:;:.
Biíhop of
to Friar
m.u de San Martin
Provincial of che
and ro
A11guftine Car11te
tanc, Treafurer and Compcroller of his Majeíly's revenae, deíiring cheir opinion
and fenfe in chis matter of high concernmenc; noc chae chey were ro feek or
what could legally be done or required, or chat chey were ar libercy ro
grant or refufe what
Gonfalo Pifarro
and his Captains required, bue onely thát thefe
perfons rnighc bear their pare in che burchen, and become
cneffes chaewhac chey
granted co
was excorced
force, and not yielded by a volunrary confent.
Whilíl: thefe matters were debacing
Gonfalo Pif_arro
advanced wichin a quarcer
ofa League of che Cicy, where he pitched his Camp and planced his Bacceries
ofCannon: and perceiving chac chey delayed ro anfwer his Deman¿s, he fenc che
nighc following chirty Mufqueciers under che cornmand of one of his chief Offi–
cers unto che Cicy; who chere feized upon rwency eighc períons who carne from
and orhers, againl1 whom he had a quarrel for taking pare with rhe Vice–
king : amongíl: which were
Gravie/ de Rtj.u, Garcilaf{o de la Vega, Melchior Verdugo,
Peter del Barco, Martin Ue Flormcia, Alonfo de Carceres, Peter de
de Leon , Anthon¿ luiys de [!11ev:1ra,
wich feveral ~ther perfons of
quahcy mchat Councrey, whom he commmed co che common Pníon; of which
taking che keys and poífeffion, chey curned out che
and cook che whole
power out of che hands of che Judges, who were notable
concradiét or with–
íland che Power which was againl1 chem ; for in che whole Cicy chere were noc
fifty men of che·Sword; for chofe Parcies which once declared for che Vice-king
and che Judges were now revolced to che Camp of
wich which, and wich
the men he brought wich him, he made up rw.elve fíundred men, ali well equip–
p~d and armed ; in_ confidence of which force , fome of che Capcains carne to rl-ie
Cicy, and plainly cold che Judges, rhac unlefs rhey fpeedily difpacched cheir buíi–
nefs and proclaimed
Governour, chey would puc ali che Cicy to Fire and
Sword, and that they rhonld be che firíl: wich whom rhey would begin.
The Judges excufed themfelves afmuch as chey were able, faying, That chey
had no power to doe any fuch thing; whereupon
che Officer chae was
fent, immediarely took four perfons of chofe who were commicced ro Prifon.
three of which_, namely,
Peter de Barco, Martin de Florencia,
fohn de Saavedra :
and han~ed chem togecher on a Tree near ro che Cicy , repmaching chem wich
opprobnous and bitter language ac che time ofcheir deach, not giving to chefe chree
fo muchas half an hour's time to make cheir confeffion añd prepare cheir fouls for