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C H A P. VI.

1he Jecret quarrel concealed between the Vice-k_ing and the


Juclges break_s out in publicl~.: Prince

Manco Inca




who were with him write to the Vice-king.



did the quarrel between the Vice-king and the Judges contain it felí


within the limits of prívate refentrnents , but buríl: forth into the publick

Screets and places of cornrnon Meetings: the which calling into che rnind of the

Vice-king that Moceo or Sentence which he had read in che Inn of



looging to

Antonio Solar;

and which he believed was either wrote by hirnfelf, or by

his order ; for which caufe, as both



Diego Fernande;:,

report, fending for

hirn and difcouróng with him in prívate, and having given hirn forne very fevere

terrns and repreheníions, he gave order


have che gates of che palace íhut, and

calling his Chaplain


confefs hirn, wich intent to have hirn hanged on one of che

Pilaíl:ers of che Court-yard , which leads cowards che High-íl:reec. Bue



·refufing co confefs, his execucion was fufpended till fuch time as chac his

danger and cafe was divulged through che whole Cicy, upon che rumour oí which

che Arch-biíhop ancl ali che perfons of qualicy carne to intercede for a pardon or

~fpenfion of Juíl:ice; and afrer great incerceffions, all chat chey.could prevail was


one day's reprieve, upon which he was committed to clofe imprifonment. Bue

the fury and impecuoíicy of chischoler paffing over , he confidered , thac it was not



put him to deach, bue rather


decein him in prifon, and according·


he kepc him under reíl:raint wichouc procefs ofLaw, Endiétment orany Accu–

fation whatfoever, for che fpace of cwo months, untill fuch time as che Judges

going on a Saturday to viÍtt rhe prifons, were defired by fome of che friends of

Antonio Solar

to make cheir enquiry concerning che íl:ace of bis affair, wich which

though chey were well enough acquainted before, yet, for form fake, they asked

him che caufe and crime for which he íl:ood committed;


which he replied, thac

he knew noc any ; and then calling for che books of che prifon to fee whac afü.

ons or procefs had been made againíl: him; and finding none, and chac che Keeper

oí che priíon could aflign nocaufeagainíl: him; che Judges, on che Monday follow–

ing made a Reporc to che Vice-king, chat having vifited che prifon, !they found chat

Antonio Solar

had been chere committed; and upon examinacion of rhe books, no

crime or caufe was entered againíl: him; onely chac he was chere imprifoned by his

order : Vlherefore, in cafe no crime were laid to bis char¡~e, his imprifonmenc

was noc juíl:ifyab]e ; and cherefore according


che rules of Jufhce chey could not

doe lefs, than


fet him ac Libercy.

Hereunro che Vice-king replyed, chac he was commicted by his order, and chae

be intended to have hanged him as well for chac Moceo or Sene nce wbich was

wroce on che wall of hís Inn, as alfo for feveral other fcandalous reports he had

venced againíl: his perfon. And chough he had no witnefs to produce in chismat–

ter, yec by che auchority and privilege of a Vice~king he had power noc onely có

imprifon him, bue alío to puc him to deach , if he


pleaíed, witl1ouc rendering

an accoum to any perion whacfoever : to which che Judges replyed, chac chere was

no Governmenc bue whac was agreeable


Juíl:ice, and founded on che L:iws oí

che Kingdom; and on theíe terms they parted, fo chac che Judges on che Sacur–

day following freed

Antonio Solar

frorn che prifon, and confined him onely to his

own houfe, and fpeedily afterwards chey fet him ac liberty. This rnanner of

proceeding angred che Vice-king to che verY, foul, and provoked him to contrive

fome way of revenge, which he íuppofed be had effeéted in chis manner, which

was chis;

le feems chat ~hefe


udges ~ich chei.r Servancs were lodged and dieted

in che houfe of one of che ricbeíl: Citizens in the whole town ; and had been there

lodged and boarded

by order of

cheVice-kingfor a fhort time, uncill chey could

ocberwife provide for

. And now che Vice-king, chinkingco doe chem

a diícourtefie, recall

ed che afore

faid Order, forbidding che Cirizens



tbem longer upon_pretence thar it was noc fuitable coche King's honour nor


their own quality co·lodge upon free-quarter, orto keep company with Cirizens and

