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Royal Commentariesr .




ea't One, were che moíl: pleaíin~ 4nd ~ccepcable Sacr\fice chac c!1ey could make


chis Goddeís , che which doéhme bemg mculcaced mto_che people by che co–

vetouíiie[¡¡ of che Prieíl:s, was che occaÍ1on thac vaíl: numbers of Emeralds were

amaffed cogether in chis place, where they were afterwards found by

Don !'edro d~ .


and his Comp

· ns, of which

Garfilaf{o de la Vega,

my Mafter, was one,

when they were emplo

in che Conqueíl: of

Pm, :

bue chey being


Lapidaries, were of opinion, chat che[e Scones, if they were true, and


could never be broken ; a'nd cherefore in che erial of chem broke che greateíl: pare

of chem wich Hammersupon an Anvil : Bue che great one, which was their God–

defs, was conveyed áway by che


in füch manner ,


foon as chey under–

íl:ood chat che


had invaded cheir Councrey, thac wich all che diligence

and menaces which could be u[ed, it could never be recovered; as alfo ocher vaíl:

and immen[e creafüres which have been loíl: and embezled in that Councrey.

The Nacives of

M a;1ta,

and che pares adjacenc, and e[pecia\ly tho[e that live

along che Coaíl: ( chough we muíl: exempt che


who inlrabit wichin che

Land) did u[e and profe[s openly, and withouc íhame, chat ahominable vice of

Sodomy, and were more addiéted to it chan all che ocher Nations we have be–

fore mentioned, as guilty of chis fin. Their Marriages were concraéted, on con-

, dition chat che Parencs and Friends of che Brideiroom íhould firíl: enjoy che

Bride befare che Husband. Tho[e which chey


in the War they Aea'd, and

filling their Skins with Aíhes, they hanged them up at che Gates of cheir Temples

in íignal of Viél:ory, or in che publick places where they danced.


To chis people che


[ene·his accuíl:omary Summons, requiring chem eit~r

to fübmit chem[elves to his Empire, or prepare t<.) defen~ chemfelves by Arms :

Bue chis people of


hada long time íince been w ll affured, chac cheir force

was not füfficienc


reíiíl: che power of che


though they had been able to

have made

Alliance wich che neigbbouring Nations ; for coníidering chat they

were a brutiíh fort of people, withouc Governmenc, Union, or Law, there was

no poffibility of reducing chem within any cerros of confederacy ; and cherefore

they all with much facilicy fübmicted chemfelves to

Huayna Capac.




ceived chem very gr:ttiouíly, treacing them with kindneís and rewards; and ha–

ving placed Officer

nd Governours over rhem, and Inílruétours to teach chem

their Religion, Laws and Cuíl:oms, he proceeded afrerwards in bis Conqueíl to

anocher great Province called


In the pares adjacenc chere were many

ocher Nacions, ali bruriíh, living withouc Law, Religion or Governmenc. The

' Conquefl: of chem was performed wirhouc any difficulty, for chey never attemp–

ted to defend chemfelves; and if chey had, it wduld hav'e been to litcle purpo[e,

being all of rhem, cbough united cogecher, an unequal match for che power of che


l11 che fübjeétion and di[pofal of che[e people, che Carne rules and methods



as with che former, over whom Governours and Infüuél:ours were fent

to preíide, that rhey might rule and ceach them.

Proceeding forward in thefe

Conquefü, chey carne ac length to ocher Provinces more barbarous and fottiíh rhan

any as yec inhabiting along ch:n Coafl: ; for che Mer1 and Women cut and flafhed

chefr faces with fharp fünrs, and moulded cheir Childrens heads into a deformed

íhape, difforent co what namre had given chem


For fo foon as rheir lnfants were

born, they clapc a fmooth Place upon cheir foreheads, and another on che hinder

pares of che head ; che which was íl:raicned every day harder and harder, untill

they carne to che Age of four or five years ; by which time che head was grown

broad on each íide, and confequenrly che forel1ead low , and che face contraéted

in che lengch


And to rnake chem(elves yet more deformed, they cut off che hair

behind; and on the clown of che head, leaving onely locks on each íide ; nor n-ere

thefe locks of hair combed; or pleaced, bue frifled and frow(ed, co make cheir

countenances yet more monfüous and defonned : cheir food was for che moí1 pare

Fiíh, ( for Fiíhery was cheir chief emµ\oymenr) likewife chey are Herbs, and

Roots, and fach wild Fruits as rhe Woods produced; chey wem nJked and wor–

fhipped che Gods which cheir Neighbours adored. The(e Nations \\;ere cal\ed

-(fpichiqui, Pich,mji, Sava, I'ecllanjimiqui, Pampahuaci?

and che like. Thefe people be–

mg reduced, che


proceeded to anorher Nauon, called


and rhen co

anocher named




ftruated direétly under ~he Equinoétial line; and–

the(e were 'yec more barbarous chm che refl-, for tbey,q>wned no Gods, nor did

the rhoughcs of a God ever enter inro their coníiderariop ; for they were nor a{ío–

ciaced in


pólitical communion, nor had chey Hou(es, bue Hved in hollow

Tree~ ,