Royal Cornmentaries.
who was Heir. Amongíl: divers other particulars of Greatnefs, in an extraor–
tlinary part infütuted for celebration of this Fefüval, one was a Chain of Gold–
of that wonderfull bignefs, as made it famous by report through the whole
World, and yet was never feen by Foreigners, whofe Avarice was as firong as
curioíic}'.- to fee a_piece Qf fuch m~gnificence ; th
e defi~n.which t~é
had'to mak'e 1t, was thlS :
the Counmes of
Provm.ce0r Nat1on had
Dances properly belonging to cheir Countrey, differen
t from others, oy which
they were diítjngui(hed one from the other, as much as by the Drefs upon
their Heads; and thefe Dances were always coníl:ant, and che fame, without
any change or alteration of new Modes. The
'had a fort of Dance which
was grave and decent, without jumping, or capring, as ochers ufed. Their
Cuíl:o:ne was for che Men
dance without admitting che Wornen iqco the
Ring, and to clafp hands one. with the o~her, rea~lüng them out to che fore–
moíl:, untill ali were ·entred m, ,and cbamed as 1t were one to che other,
chat fometimes cwo or three hundred Men were concerned in che Dance,
according to che number of chofe prefent at che Feíl:ival; the which they be–
gan ·at fome diílance from the King, befare whom they prefented it. Their
manner was
begin all at the fame time, and to make chree íleps by rule,
the firíl: was back, and then· two others forward, liké che Chafes and Coupees
rhat we ufe in our
Dances; fo th¡¡t giving bue one ílep backward, and
cwo forward, rhey íl:ill gained ground, untill they carne to the middle of the
place, where the
fate : as ,tbey danced they ,fang by curns, not
ihemfelves, fo much as they would do, in cafe chey all fang together; cheir
Tunes were according to the meafure oftheir Dances, and che fubjeéts of cheir
Songs were in praife of the prefent
and his,Anceílours, and chofe of che
Bloud Royal, and of cheir Afüons and Exploits performed in .che times of
Peace and War. The
alfo there prefent, and ftanding about che King,
bore cheir part in che Confort, as chofe who were equally concerned in the
merriment, and che King himfelf danced fometimes , to render che Fefüval
more foleri:m:
Frorn chis manner ofclafping and linking hands one within another, the
Hn.ayna Capac
took his invention of rnakiog hi.s Chain of Gold, eíl:eeming thac
it would be much more íl:ately and majeíl:ical to have thefe Dancers linked and
faíl:ened o
ne tothe oth'er by chis Chain, rather than by tbeir ha_nds.
The par–
ticulars of
th.isChain I did not hear from common report, but from my Old
Uncle, w
homI mentioned at che beginning of this Hillary, who beiog-a Pet–
fon much pleafed with the remembrance of old Stories, told me that this Cbain
long, as would reach che length,and breadth of the chief Markec-place
where they _danced at che time of au· their principal Feaíls; and
rhough it was not ·oeceífary to have it fo long in refpeét to che Dance, onely
was pleafed
arde( ic of that length, for grearer State, and in honour
to the Feíl:ival of his Son aríd Heir, in which nothing was to be deficient which
inight render it great and folemn.
íhall not need to inforrn and trouble thofe
who have feen ami meafured that Market-place, with an account of the length
and breadth of it; howfoever to fatlsfie the curiofity of fuch as have noc been
rhere, I dare to affirm, chat that place Notth and South is two hundred com–
mon Paces in lengtb, allowmg two Foot for every Pace, and an hundred and
fifty Paces Eaíl: and Weíl in breadth, taking in chofe Houfes which che
in che Year
when my Maíl:er
Garcilaj[o de la Vega
was Chief Jufüce,
had built on tbe ltde of che River ; fo that chis Chain muíl: have been three
hundred and fifty ·Paces long, which make feven hundred Foot; and when
asked the fame
of ene compafs of chis Chain, ·he held up hlsHat'ld,
pointing to his Wri!1, fignifying chat every Link was of that bignefs. The
Accountant ~eneral
Attguftine Carate,
in·the 14th Chapeer of his firíl: Book,
having ar any time occaíion to [peak of the Riches ofche Royal Palaces belon–
ging to ~he
reckons up vaft Trea(ures, and almoíl: incredible, bue I íhall
onely repeat what he
particularly of tbis Golden Chain, wbich I have ex-