Royal Commentaries.
Wich che cares and fears of chis Conqueíl: ch~
frica , Yahuar-huaMc
was greatly.
turrnoiled, being as ·ic were crucified becween lus hopes and fears, fometimes he
prorniíed himíelf good füccefs, and chacche fa_me Fomme wou d fm1le upon him,
that did on his Brother
Apu MJ.ata ;
chen agam che dread of che fatal Ornen pof–
feífed his Mind, which always kept chac awe upon him, that he never duríl: at·
tempt any ching in VVar, wherein chere appeared leaf.l: Difficulcy or Hazard.
Whi.i.íl: he was chus toífed with theíe Paffions and angui/h of mind, he wa di–
verted from his foreign Defignsby domefück Troubles, cauí€d by che untoward
Difpofüion of his Eldeíl: Son, and Heir ofhis Dominions; who frorn his Child–
l1ood gave fympcomes of an evil and cruel Nacure , by bis
treacmenc of
chofe Boys ofhis own age, who converfed and played wich him; and chough che
bis Facher ufed ali che means imaginable co reclaim him by due and fevere
cOFreétion, and chac he hoped thac Years and lnfhuétion would prevail upon him,
yet in che end all proved vain, and wichouc.effeét, che ferocicy of hi Mind, and
che impecuofüy of his ill Narure prevailing over ali che means, and endeavours
to reduce him ; for neither che Exarnples of his Ancefrours, nor the gende Ad–
monitions, nor fevere Reproofs of his Facher, had any i11fluence u·pon him;
that bis deíperace inconigiblenefs became now the greateíl: fear and aflliétion of
For fo far was che Spirit of
Nacure engtafted in che Heart of chis Prince,,
chat ali che Treacle of wholeíome Advice he converted incd Poifon; che which
bis Facher having obferved and_duely conftdered, he refolved wholly
cenance and remove hi111 -frorn his Favour, and if chac woqld not operare,
abfolucely to difinheric him, and coníl:icuce anocher of bis lawfull Sons in bis place,
who was of a Spirit mofo~ agreeable co chac fweet Temper and ge_nerous Galan–
cry of his Anceíl:ours. This Reíolution he cook in imication of_ thac Cuíl:ome
praétiíed in forne of bis Provinces, where·che rnoíl: favoured and moíl: worchy
was eleéted
che Governrnenc; che which on chis occafion che
was defi–
rous t0 introduce, againíl: ali rhe·Precedents arid E~amples of form..er
this intencion che
comrnanded che Prince, being now of nineteen o
Years of age, co avoid rhe Courc, allocting him a place of Refidence abour a
League frorn the City, ánd where were fair and verdant Paíl:ures
Eaílwa.rd·frorn the City, which chey called
and where I my felf remer
nber oJcento
have been, aná where bis Employrnent was to feed che Catcle of the Sun
in company with thófe Shepherds who were defigned for that Service.
Prince not being able to refiíl: che Pleaíui·e
his Fatl1~r , fubmitted
che Ba·
. niíhment and che Disfavour ofrhe
which laid ás
punríhmenc on him far
the Bravery :rnd Gallancry of liis Marcial Spirit.
füort, he fübmirced and ·
really applied himíelf wich che ocher ,Shepherds to keep aqd feed che Cattel of rhe
San for the [pace of three years, and more, where we
1eave him uncill rhe ·
time comes which íhall bring him on che Stage, and co ípeak well of him
chat wbich we are
mentían of him :nay be called godd.