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hood of man is not to remairi a merely pious aspira–

tion, must become a book accessible to all.'

'A copy of the Scriptures, as faithfully translated

as scholarship can render them, is one of the few

things that change hands in this modern world of

which it can be said without qualification that the

giving is good and the gift perfect.'

The specimens of 590 different tongues in the

preceding pages graphically illustrate the extent of

our translation work.

From depots in nearly a hundred principal cities

in the world, by means of the Society's 1,000 col–

porteurs, and by the co-operation of many mission–

aries, about 10,000,000 copies of Scriptures are

·circulated each year, bringing the total circulation

since its foundation to about 375,000,000.

The Society has made the Bible the cheapest and

most accessible of books. It supplies the over-seas

missions of almost every Reformed Church with the

Scriptures which they need.


co-operates with

the missionarie in preparing the versions ; it prints

the editions, bears the loas


volved in their sale at

reduced rices, and pays the carriage of the volumes

to the


mission-stations. Its popular editions

supply the Sunda -schools and home missions of

nearly every Christian denomination, and all the

varied agencies of religious and philanthropic


The world-wide spread of education is raising

up millions of new readers every year. The vast

modern movements of emigration create linguistic

needs which no other institution can meet. The

triumphs of Christian missions involve ever-in–

creasing claims upon the funds of the Bible Society.

On the whole, out of every .f:1 which the Society

spends in producing and distributing the Scriptures,

it is receiving back less than 8s. as the proceeds of

sales. The Society stands in urgent need of more

generous support from lovers of the Bible, so that

it may continue its sacred mission.

Gifts may be sent to the Secretaries, British and

Foreign Bible Society, 146, Queen Victoria Street,
