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cloistered life, although not, as generally


ieved, 1always of virginity. It was a sort of Nun–

nery, ruled by WO'm·en who had ·reached matur–

ity or old age, and called "Mamacunas''. rrhe set–

tlements were obliged to pay tribute in women,

especially those of exceptional beauty.

There were various classes of "acllas": tho–

se destined for the service of the Sun, who were

compelled to maintain perpetua! chastity,


charged with guarding the sacred fire, etc,; those

dostined far mistresses of the Inca; and, finally,

those whom the Inca gave as mistresses to his

listinguished chiefs.

I-Iere, in this most original Inca cloister the

selected virgins were


u lly required to spin

the wool of t ·e v· cNña, to


it and make

clothes far

e Inoa, of the :most exquisite work–

m1anship. l\1areover, they made the "zankju", a

special bread of co:rn, for he great fes tivals of

the Sun, in addition to other domestic duties. No

one, save the Inca or his wife -

Coya - might

enter this house, and he who dared to profane


was subj ected to the severest punishm-ent; · this

'vas. also true in the case of any inmate who

fail d in her obligation of chastity.

Acllahuasi extended between the streets now

known as Santa Catalina, Angosta, Capchi, Ma–

rure, Loreto and Plaza de Armas. It was sur–

rounded by high \Valls within which were the

d\vellings of the virgins, numbering several hun-
